Lightheadedness and weakness in legs

    • [DOC File]To ensure you receive a complete and thorough evaluation ...

      Check all that apply to your dizziness, vertigo or lightheadedness: Better if you sit or lie perfectly still. Dizzy when you have not eaten for a long time. Nausea and/or vomiting. Dizzy when standing up quickly. Free from symptoms between attacks. Blacking out or fainting when dizzy. Dizzy or unsteady constantly. Falling to one side ...

      weakness in legs and feeling off balance

    • [DOC File]Emergency Medicine—The Differential Diagnosis of Syncope ...

      Swelling of legs, feet, hands Dizziness/lightheadedness . TREATMENT of Heart Failure: Research shows that a combination of “Self-Care Behaviors” and Medications will help relieve symptoms, reduce hospitalizations, and help you live longer.

      weakness and light headed


      ( Increased pain at night ( muscle weakness ( heartburn/indigestion ( Decreased memory/ability to think ( persistent cough ( chest/arm/jaw pain ( Blood in your sputum ( unusual menstrual or …

      sudden weakness in both legs


      Jun 25, 2020 · Children on this medication may be more likely to have nausea or vomitting; dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position; fever, chills, muscle aches, or sore throat; loss of balance control; mask-like face; shuffling walk; skin rash; slowed movements; stiffness of arms or legs; swelling ...

      what causes weakness in legs


      Nerve compression in legs from the enlarging uterus. ... decrease in tear production, muscle cramps, nausea/vomiting, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, weakness, decreased urine output, and poor skin turgor. Refer to a medical provider if intractable vomiting, …

      weakness in legs seniors

    • [DOCX File]Side effects – low blood pressure, dizziness, low heart ...

      If symptoms include dizziness or lightheadedness, lay the victim on his or her back and raise the legs 6-8 inches. If symptoms include nausea or upset stomach, lay the victim on his or her side. Loosen and remove any heavy clothing. Have the person drink cool water unless they’re sick to their stomach.

      weak legs and dizzy

    • Leg weakness and dizziness - Neurology - MedHelp

      Prodrome of weakness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, diaphoresis, blurred vision, and pallor. Syncope. Diagnosis. Tilt table test to reproduce symptoms – gold standard. Management Supine position and elevate legs. Beta-blockers. Good prognosis Other Etiology. Psychogenic Anxiety. Conversion reaction. Panic disorder Situational Coughing ...

      right leg weakness


      -Cons: Not always helpful for tremor; can cause dyskinesias, nausea (usually starts early after initiation of drug, resolves after been on drug for a little while), orthostasis, hallucinations, lightheadedness. Works best for bradykinesia and rigidity, less so for tremor. Not …

      weak legs and light headed


      Symptoms of a vasovagal reaction include bradycardia, weakness, lightheadedness, perspiration, nausea/vomiting or syncope. Place the client in a Trendelenberg position on her back with legs raised, place a cold compress on her forehead or neck and attempt to keep her stimulated and awake. The reaction is usually of short duration and self-limiting.

      weakness in legs and feeling off balance

    • [DOC File]Toolbox Safety Topic - Virginia Tech

      Lightheadedness or swimming sensation in the head. Yes No 2. Blacking out or loss of consciousness. Yes No 3. Tendency to fall: To the right? ... Numbness of arms of legs. Constant In Episodes Yes No 4. Weakness in arms or legs. Constant In Episodes

      weakness and light headed

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