List of all heart diseases


      MODULE - 4 Environment and Health 237 Some Common Human Diseases BIOLOGY Notes l list the causative agents, symptoms, prevention and control of syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS; l define drug abuse and its prevention. 28.1 DISEASES 28.1 What is a disease? Any condition which interferes with the normal functioning of the body is called

    • [PDF File]Natural remedies for heart diseases - NISCAIR

      Natural remedies for heart diseases Lokhande PD*, Jagdale SC & Chabukswar AR Center for Advanced Studies, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Pune, Pune 411007, Maharashtra E-mail: Received 17 March 2005; revised 11 April 2005 Heart diseases have posed a great challenge in the developing countries. Heredity ...

    • [PDF File]18-19 Types of CVD CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 1 Types of …

      coronary heart disease stroke other cardiovascular diseases hypertensive heart disease inflammatory heart disease rheumatic heart disease 2 265 824 996 183 280 819 66 542 104 116 1 868 339 18-19 Types of CVD CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Coronary heart disease kills more than 7 million people each year, and strokes kill nearly 6 million. Most of these


      Some Common Human Diseases 268 BIOLOGY Notes MODULE - 4 Environment and Health Pandemic : A disease which is found all over the world e.g. AIDS. Interferon : Type of proteins produced by infected cells of the body when attacked by a virus, which act to prevent the further development of the same virus.

    • [PDF File]Know the Facts About Heart Disease

      not getting enough exercise all increase your risk for having heart disease. Having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes also can increase your risk for heart disease. Ask your doctor about preventing or treating these medical conditions. What are the signs and symptoms? The symptoms vary depending on the type of heart disease. For many people, chest discomfort or a heart attack is the first …


      Globally, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death and they are projected to remain so. An estimated 17 million people died from cardiovascular disease in 2005, representing 30% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 7.2 million were due to heart attacks and 5.7 million due to stroke. About 80%

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