List of antagonist muscles

    • [DOC File]Label and Color the Anatomy of the knee

      3-11 Compare and contrast concentric and eccentric muscles contractions.. 42. 3-12 Discuss the functional interrelationships between agonist, synergist, and antagonist muscles.. 43. 3-13 Identify the major skeletal muscles of the human body.. 44. 3-14 Identify the components of a lever and give an example of each type of lever in the human body ...

      agonist and antagonist muscles chart

    • [DOC File]Muscular Inhibition

      13. Find two muscles in the wing that bend and straighten the elbow joint. Each muscle pulls on . the lower wing bones in one direction (the flexor bends the joint; the extensor straightens it). Pull to flex Joint B- identify where the antagonist exists. Pull to extend Joint B- Identify where the antagonist exists.

      antagonist pairs of muscles

    • [DOC File]Lab 4: Chicken Wing Dissection

      Reach the other hand over the ipsilateral shoulder; should reach the ipsilateral scapula. Perform both stretches for 3 sets with both hands, for 20-30 seconds per set. Perform 3 to 5 times week. It is important to make sure to stretch antagonist muscles, which is why the external rotator muscles (Teres minor and infraspinatus) must be stretched ...

      muscle pairs list

    • [DOCX File]Mrs. Kaser's Science Page

      The antagonist muscles.. 5. The type of muscle contraction. Muscular Contraction Circuit. Station 1: Lateral Raise. What movement is occurring at the shoulder joint during the upwards phase of the exercise? Agonist/Prime Mover. Type of contraction. Antagonist. Type of contraction.

      agonist antagonist muscle pairs


      Synergist Muscles. Dr. Gene Desepoli Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) Flexion. Deltoid (anterior fibers) Pectoralis major (upper fibers) Biceps Brachii. Coracobrachialis. Extension Deltoid (posterior fibers) Latissimus dorsi & Teres major ...

      antagonist muscle groups

    • [DOC File]Heading 1 - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

      Muscles tighten up to protect joint due to instability. Compensatory patterns develop causing joint limitation, misalignment inappropriate and distorted movement patterns. If left untreated it will become a structural issue. (un-balanced tires.) The weak get weaker and the strong get stronger

      agonist muscles list

    • The Antagonist Muscles in a Pull-up | SportsRec

      Antagonist - muscles that oppose (move the bones in the opposite direction) of the prime mover; preventing excessive movement and injury Fixing - to prevent motion in either direction by contraction of prime movers and antagonists at the same time; prevents movement of bone that prime mover is attached to

      agonist and antagonist muscles list

    • [DOCX File]A Level PE - Home

      - List the general characteristics and functions of skeletal muscle tissue. - Describe the structure of a muscle - Briefly describe muscle contraction - Differentiate between isotonic and isometric contractions - Define the following terms: origin, insertion, synergist, antagonist, and prime mover

      antagonistic muscle pairs examples

    • ALG: UGA Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lab Manual

      – muscles that oppose or reverse a movement – when a prime mover is active, its antagonist is stretched and relaxed – antagonists can be prime movers Synergist – help prime movers by producing the same movement or by reducing undesirable movements such as when a muscle crosses two or more joints

      agonist and antagonist muscles chart

    • [DOC File]Synergist Muscles - Podbean

      Identify Agonist and Antagonist muscles. 25 * Knee Anatomy – Femur, fibular, tibia, patella, medial & lateral collateral lig, Anterior & Posterior Collateral Lig, Medial and lateral meniscus, 20 Knee Movement Chart - Make a chart of all knee movements. State the muscle for that action and if it is a primary or secondary action.

      antagonist pairs of muscles

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