Literal rule and golden rule

    • [DOCX File]University of Kashmir

      literal rule. golden rule (both narrow and broad) mischief rule. purposive approach. To consolidate your knowledge of the rules, complete the following table. Your first task is to put the actual principle in the table, as shown below. Then look at the other rules and suggest how the outcome of the case could have been different if another rule ...

      the literal rule of interpretation

    • Literal Rule Golden Rule and the Mischeif Rule - University Law - M…

      Literal . Rule. The . Golden . Rule. The . Mischief . Rule. Aids – That help a judge understand the meaning of an Act. These are classified as either: Internal - within the Act. External - outside the Act "Aids" are where the judge can go to gain help in finding the meaning of words or the intention of Parliament in creating the Act.

      literal rule of statutory interpretation

    • [DOCX File]AQA

      The golden rule can only be used if the literal rule creates an absurd result. It can therefore only be used as an exception. The narrow interpretation of the golden rule looks at an alternative meaning of the word phrase in question creating an absurd result. An alternative meaning from the dictionary that doesn’t create an absurd result ...

      advantages of literal rule

    • [DOC File]Statutory Interpretation

      Primary Rule. Golden Rule. Mischief Rule. Primary Rule. The judges have devised various methods of interpretation amongst which the literal interpretation has been accepted as the Primary rule . This rule was evolved in England. According to this rule if the language of the statute is expressly clear, it shuts the possibility of further ...

      the literal rule of interpretation


      Exam Questions Briefly outline the golden rule and the mischief rule (10 marks) Briefly describe the literal rule (10 marks) Analyse the advantages and the disadvantages of the literal rule (10 marks) Describe the disadvantages of the purposive …

      literal rule of statutory interpretation

    • [DOC File]you need to know:

      Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is an improvement on the above, as some attempt is made to put a word into its proper context. It is basically reverting to the literal rule but if a manifest absurdity results, judges can consider contextual alternatives, i.e. it is an extension or ‘offshoot’ of the literal rule.

      advantages of literal rule

    • [DOC File]AS Law - Mrs Sudds' classroom

      The Literal Rule – Enforce as written unless it creates absurd results. If the language of the statute is plain, with only one possible meaning, legislature must be taken to have meant and intended what is plainly expressed. ... Golden rule – absurd results doctrine. If pm leads to absurd result you can interpret in another way. Whole Act ...

      the literal rule of interpretation

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