Lorazepam iv to po

    • [DOC File]Pharmacology—Clinical Uses of Sedatives


      Lorazepam (short acting) – IV used first time for status epilepticus. Anesthesia. BDZ can produce a calming effect and anterograde amnesia (can not recall events that took place after drug given) Midazolam (Versed) is used for pre-anesthesia, conscious sedation prior to certain procedures, or diagnostic tests – very short onset and peak effect.

    • BIDMC Provider Order Entry - Order Sets

      Lorazepam 0.5-1 mg PO/IV PRN premedicate before BM/PBPC reinfusions PRN and then q3-4h PRN with BM/PBPC reinfusions click to Order . 50 mEq Sodium Bicarb + 20 mEq Potassium Chl / 1000 mL D5 1/2 NS Continuous at 350 ml/hr for 1000 ml for 2-3 hrs prior to BM/PBPC reinfusion .



      lorazepam. metoclopramide. morphine. midazolam (mg) naloxone. neoprofen. pancuronium. potassium chloride (IV) propranolol (po) ranitidine (IV) 4.2% sodium bicarbonate. sodium acetate (IV) sodium chloride (IV) survanta. tobramycin Round-off to nearest whole number: acetaminophen. acetazolamide. adenosine (mcg) amphotericin (>2kg)



      Drug Onset DOA T1/2 Special considerations Lorazepam 3-7 min 120 min 10-20 hr IV and PO liquid formulation contain propylene glycol. Average cost $15.6/24 hr (@ 2mg/hr) Midazolam 1-5 min 15-60 min 2-11 hr Active metabolites; lipophilic. Prolonged sedation likely in obese patients or >72 hour infusion

    • [DOCX File]Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


      -Lorazepam boluses-PRN oral lorazepam or diazepam-Haloperidol IV or oral-Valproic acid IV or oral-Quetiapine oral-Olanzapine IM or oral ... IV/PO: 10-40 mg tid (max 400 mg/day)-Bradycardia-Hypotension-Agranulocytosis-Thrombocytopenia-Many drug interactions-IV is expensive. Quetiapine. PT:20-40. 6 h.



      Medication Route Total Dose per Route Lorazepam PO Lorazepam IV Lorazepam SQ Diazepam PO Diazepam IV Clonazepam PO Midazolam PO Midazolam IV Midazolam IM Midazolam SQ Oxazepam PO Alprazolam PO 32. Was a medication for death rattle ordered for this patient? Yes. No. 32a. If yes, which of the following was ordered? ...

    • [DOC File]Diagnosis:


      Thiamine 300 mg in 50 mL 0.9% Sodium Chloride IV EVERY 8 HOURS for 3 days, then 100 mg PO DAILY until discharge. Lorazepam. SCHEDULED DOSE: For patients with PAWSS greater than or equal to 4 and without symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. If GCS is less than 13, discuss with attending physician. Lorazepam (ATIVAN) 1mg PO every 4 hours.

    • [DOCX File]Standard infusion: - Streamliners


      PO/IV Q8H. Lorazepam. 0.5-1 mg. PO BD. Author: Caroline Innes Created Date: 05/16/2016 18:27:00 Last modified by: Timothy Vincent Company: CDHB ...

    • [DOC File]Hypertension Case Study - KeithRN


      Furosemide (Lasix) 40 mg IV x1. Nitrodur patch 0.4 mg topically. Digoxin 0.25mg po. Hydralazine 10-20 mg IV prn for SBP >150. Lorazepam 1 mg po every 4 hours for anxiety . Describe the rationale for each of these interventions: PPT Med Rationale. Furosemide-aggressive diuresis-get rid of volume quickly

    • [DOCX File]Dr Paper Document Template


      5-HT3 antagonist: Palonosetron 0.25 mg IV day 1 Or Granisetron 1-2mg PO or 1 mg PO BID day 1Or Ondansetron 16-24 mg PO or max 32 mg/day IV 5-HT3 can be added day 2 and day 3. Lorazepam 0.5 mg-2 mg PO/IV/SL every 4-6 prn

    • [DOC File]Template Style 'A'


      LORAZEPAM 0.5–1.0 mg IV. or. DIAZEPAM 2.5–5.0 mg IV. If PO anxiolytics are to be given to an inpatient, order on the floor order form. Moderate sedation needed (pt to. be scheduled for procedural. sedation with radiology RN). NUCLEAR. MEDICINE ULTRASOUND. Check all boxes that apply. PREGNANT: EDC by LMP of Prev US on at wks. TRANSPLANT ...

    • [DOC File]Lakewood Health System


      LORazepam (Ativan) mg (0.25-2mg) PO SL IV Every 4 hours prn as needed for nausea/vomiting. Metoclopramide (Reglan) mg (10-20mg) PO IV four times daily, 30 minutes before meals and at HS as needed for nausea/vomiting Promethazine (Phenergan) 25 mg PR every 12 hours as needed for nausea/vomiting

    • [DOC File]General Medicine Admission Order Set – Sample Template


      Acetaminophen _____mg PO/NG q _____h PRN (not to exceed 4,000 mg in 24 hr period) ... For nausea - dimenhydrinate (Gravol() 25-50 mg IV / NG / PO q4h PRN For nausea – ondansetron 4 mg IV q12h PRN Sedation: lorazepam ____mg QHS PRN. MEDICATIONS TAKEN PRIOR TO ADMISSION: Hold. Continue the following: ...



      Lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg. Thiopental 5 mg/kg IV (cardiac and respiratory depressant, not with asthma) Etomidate 0.2-0.4 mg/kg (good with low BP, can cause myoclonus, increased respiratory rate) Ketamine 1-2 mg/kg IV, 6-10 mg/kg PO, 3-7 mg/kg IM (sedative and general anesthetic, minimal cardiac and respiratory depressant, increases ICP, releases ...

    • [DOCX File]Overdose Order Set - Managment of Acute Overdose


      Lorazepam 4mg slow IV over 1-2 minutes (max rate 4mg/min) q 10-15mins prn if necessary (max dose usually 8 mg) Diazepam 5-10 mg IV given over

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