Low tension glaucoma and blindness

    • Dear Notetaker:

      Normal Tension Glaucoma (NTG): Older Term . low tension glaucoma. A well recognized condition where a similar type of neuropathy and field loss develops in the absence of IOP over 21 mmHg. Essentially still the same disease as POAG. Other underlying mechanisms of glaucomatous poor blood flow (doesn’t serve needs of ganglion cell axons)

    • Dear Notetaker:

      Advance glaucoma severe escavation and loss of tissue losing GC axons leads to VF lead loss, blindness, functional impairment of patient’s vision. Glaucoma is a slowly progressive disease (in most cases) Initiated by a number of risk factors (lower left hand side of diagram) IOP. C/D ratio. CCT. Age, other

    • [DOC File]Physiological Aspects of Vision - University of Minnesota


      b. Closed-angle glaucoma. Iris may fold into area of trabeculae or make contact with the cornea thereby blocking drainage of fluid into the trabecular meshwork and canal of Schlemm. c. If the pressure in the eye becomes excessive, altering circulation to the retina, permanent blindness can result.

    • [DOC File]Voice of the Diabetic - National Federation of the Blind


      If Blindness Comes. The Unofficial Guide to Low Vision Services. by Eileen Rivera Ley. ... various sizes of tension rings, and a vacuum pump, either hand-operated or electric. ... So even if diabetic retinopathy were not an issue, glaucoma, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration will be. And the fact is that nearly all pump users would ...

    • [DOC File]Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


      16 Normal tension glaucoma (also called normal pressure glaucoma) Some people develop glaucoma with a normal eye pressure (this is called normal tension or low tension glaucoma). It is believed that poor blood flow to the eye may contribute to the development of the optic nerve damage.

    • [DOC File]Eye Condition Fact Sheet #2


      Asian-Americans are at higher risk of angle-closure glaucoma, and Japanese-Americans are more prone to low-tension glaucoma. If you have a family history of glaucoma, you have a much greater risk of developing glaucoma. Anticipated functional implications of the condition. Glaucoma can cause blindness if it is left untreated.

    • [DOCX File]Mission Statement


      (this is called normal tension or low-tension glaucoma). But the exact cause for glaucoma in these patients is still unknown. Although pressure still plays a role in causing glaucoma, there are likely other factors involved, such as blood flow or optic nerve mechanical weakness.

    • [DOC File]Vision Handicaps Learning Aids - W.L. Clarke Consulting


      The term "ocular hypertension" is used for people with consistently raised intraocular pressure (IOP) without any associated optic nerve damage. Conversely, the term 'normal tension' or 'low tension' glaucoma is used for those with optic nerve damage and associated visual field loss, but normal or low IOP.

    • [DOC File]shared site


      Normal (Peak) (Low) Tension Glaucoma is the glaucoma caused by occasional rises of the intraocular pressure. The patient seated at the medical office usually presents his intraocular pressure of 21 mmHg or less measured with the Goldmann applanation tonometer. High-Tension Glaucoma is the Glaucoma caused by a steady rise of the intraocular ...

    • [DOC File]shared site


      Glaucomatous blindness. High-Tension Glaucoma. Primary chronic open-angle glaucoma: Infantile. Juvenile and Adult. Morning glory syndrome. Normal (Peak) Tension Glaucoma. Normal Pressure Glaucoma. Low-tension glaucoma: Infantile, Juvenile and Adult. Optic Nerve disk’s cup larger or deeper than the physiologic. Increased cup-disk ratio.

    • [DOCX File]Viktor's Notes – Glaucoma


      N.B. screening based only on IOP has low sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value. Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Most common form (60-70%) of glaucoma!

    • [DOC File]ABSTRACT


      Glaucoma refers to a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous ophthalmologic disorders leading to visual impairment and blindness. The characteristic clinical sign is cupping of the optic nerve head with subsequent retinal nerve fibers loss, usually associated with elevated intraocular pressure.

    • [DOC File]Glaucoma - SFACTL


      Low-tension glaucoma : poorly understood, but not uncommon; optic nerve damage occurs even though eye pressure stays within normal range; some experts believe that it could be related to an overly sensitive optic nerve or reduced blood supply to the optic nerve due to atherosclerosis

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