Lupus malar rash vs rosacea

    • Erysipelas: Rare but Important Cause of Malar Rash

      Malar rash occurs in many local and systemic illnesses. More common causes of malar rash include erysipelas, cellulitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rosacea. Morbidity and mortality vary widely between these con-ditions, therefore appropriate diagnosis and treatment is imperative. A 45-year-old woman presented with facial rash. She

    • [PDF File]Tired, aching, ANA-positive: Does your patient have lupus ...

      Rosacea and sebor-rhea are common causes of facial erythema that might be confused with the malar rash of lupus. Mild pallor of the fingers on exposure to cold is probably physiologic vasoconstriction and not the Raynaud phenomenon. Well-doc-umented unexplained fevers support a diagno-sis of lupus, but a sensation of fever without

    • [PDF File]When to Suspect Autoimmune Disease

      could be a sign of lupus. She has a sedentary lifestyle because of generalized joint pain with activity. Her ESR was 26 (normal 0-20) and CRP was 8 (normal 0-7 mg/L). Case 1: Ms. Disquiet 1. Order the ANA because you are running behind and ... Lupus Malar Rash vs Rosacea Nasolabial sparing No nasolabial sparing .

    • [PDF File]The Red Face - ICDST

      Rosacea vs. Malar rash of lupus erythematosus His internist referred him because she was concerned about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) While rosacea may affect the cheeks similar to lupus, the history differentiates them: • Ask about triggers for rosacea

    • [PDF File]Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Diagnosis Laboratory and ...

      Lupus-associated rash3 Rosacea; polymorphous light eruptions Malar Rash Rosacea Reproduced with permission courtesy of the National Rosacea Society Reproduced with permission from the American College of Rheumatology 2012 •SLE diagnosis is challenging due to its multisystem involvement and protean

    • [PDF File]Skin Signs of Rheumatic Disease

      Lupus Dermatomyositis Malar rash spares nasolabial folds Facial Rash enters nasolabial folds Rare calcinosis Microcalcifications actually common Nailfolds largely normal Capillaries often chaotic re-angiogenesis Hand rash between joints Hand rash joints Rash light pink Rash darker due to capillary component

    • [PDF File]SLE Diagnosis and Management - updated - handout

      Cutaneous lupus Acute cutaneous lupus Localized: Malar rash • Distinguish from: • Rosacea • Seborrhea dermatitis • Dermatomyositis Generalized Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) • Types • Annular • Papulosquamous • Photosensitive • 50% have SLE • 70% with +ANA, +SSA, 30% SSB Chronic cutaneous lupus Discoid lupus

    • [PDF File]Skin Signs of Rheumatic Disease - mghcme

      Lupus Dermatomyositis Malar rash spares nasolabial folds Facial Rash enters nasolabial folds Rare calcinosis Microcalcifications actually common Nailfolds largely normal Capillaries often chaotic re-angiogenesis Hand rash between joints Hand rash joints Rash light pink Rash darker due to capillary component

    • [PDF File]Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

      Malar rash Mimics: Rosacea Seborrheic dermatitis Sunburn Dermatomyositis rash Spares nasolabial folds May coalesce to forehead, neck, ears Photosensitive

    • [PDF File]Lupus and the Skin

      Many people with lupus may have skin problems, and a rash may be the first sign of the condition. The rashes seen in lupus can be specific in shape and pattern. Sometimes lupus only affects the skin as in Chronic Cutaneous or Discoid Lupus. All forms of skin rashes in lupus are made worse by exposure to light (partic-ularly sunlight).

    • [PDF File]Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

      nonphotosensitive rash (such as acne rosacea). 2.4 Consider lupus in a patient with symmetric polyarthritis and/or other systemic manifestations of the disease. Recommendations • Consider lupus in patients with polyarthritis persisting >6 weeks and occurring in women

    • [PDF File]Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Diagnosis and Management

      Cutaneous lupus Acute cutaneous lupus Localized: Malar rash • Distinguish from: • Rosacea • Seborrhea dermatitis • Dermatomyositis Generalized Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) • Types • Annular • Papulosquamous • Photosensitive • 50% have SLE • 70% with +ANA, +SSA, 30% SSB Chronic cutaneous lupus Discoid lupus


      Lupus Eritematos Sistemic (LES) este o maladie cronică, sistemică, autoimmună, ... Rash malar Au pînă la 50% din pacienți. ... asupra pielii deasupra eminețelor malare, cu extindere spre plice nazolabiale. Diagnostic diferențiat include: acne rosacea, dermatita seboreică, erupțiile porimorfe solare, dermatita de contact.

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