Main symptoms of heart disease

    • Are there any early signs of heart disease?

      The warning signs of heart disease may not be obvious. Also, not every person has the same symptoms. Certain symptoms, such as chest pain, ankle swelling, and shortness of breath may be signals that something is wrong. Learning the warning signs can help you get treatment and help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

    • Are there any warning signs for heart disease?

      The warning signs of heart disease may not be obvious. Also, not every person has the same symptoms. Certain symptoms, such as chest pain, ankle swelling, and shortness of breath may be signals that something is wrong. Learning the warning signs can help you get treatment and help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

    • What are the signs of a heart attack?

      Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. with or without chest discomfort.

    • Is chest pain a symptom of heart disease?

      Chest pain from the heart muscle because it doesn’t have adequate oxygen and nutrient-rich arterial blood flow, also called angina, is a common symptom of heart disease. Angina causes you to feel discomfort in your chest. Some people experience tightness or a squeezing sensation around their breastbone.


      Cardinal symptoms of heart disease •Dyspnea •Chest pain or discomfort •Cyanosis •Syncope •Palpitations •Edema •Hemoptysis •Cough Braunwald –Heart disease 6th edition

    • [PDF File]What are Heart Disease and Stroke? - American Heart Association

      Cardiovascular Conditions What are Heart Disease and Stroke? There are various types of heart and blood vessel diseases. Many of them can be Over time, fatty deposits called prevented when you take these key steps: develop in the of the arteries • Don’t smoke and avoid second-hand smoke. • Lower your blood pressure if it’s high.

    • [PDF File]Warning Signs of Heart Attack - American Heart Association

      ANSWERS by heart Cardiovascular Conditions What Are the Warning Signs of Heart Attack? Coronary heart disease, which includes heart attack, is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. But many of those deaths can be prevented. About every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. will have a heart attack. Minutes matter.

    • [PDF File]Know the Differences: Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Disease ...

      Cardiovascular Disease. The big umbrella. Cardiovascular disease is the term for all types of diseases that afect the heart or blood vessels, including coronary heart disease (clogged arteries), which can cause heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, and peripheral artery disease.

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