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    • [DOC File]Celebrate 30 years of inspiring activism by RAWA

      Invite your friends, neighbors, and local activist groups. (TIP: Send out free invitations online using Using this house party kit, print up flyers and collect pledges and donations from your …

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    • [DOC File]APP NUM='3' ID='AP

      These features will make your plan a better roadmap for running your organization and will make it more attractive to investors. ... Business cards Catalog Direct mail Directories Flyers Networking Newsletters Online store Print media Promo items Public speaking Sales calls Samples Signs Special events Sponsorships Telemarketing Toll free ...

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    • [DOC File]Steps for Free fall clinics and Fall Ball

      Upon approval, print 5,000 flyers and distribute them per school regulations (See attachment with the number of flyers per packet and the number of packets by class by school). In my experience for the middle schools one needs to make sure the flyers …

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    • [DOC File]Eagle Scout Project Example.doc

      Print tickets for car wash. Distribute car wash tickets to car wash volunteers. Collect money from ticket sales. Gather or buy all items needed for car wash. Give information about car wash to church secretary for church bulletin. Make …

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    • [DOCX File]1. Make Your Microsoft Word Documents Accessible

      For an online class, large print materials may not be an issue, but the type of font used in your documents can make it easier or more difficult for a visually impaired person to read. Fonts that are …

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