Making a vector matlab

    • [DOC File]Matrices

      Consequently, Matlab is demonstrably faster at working with matrix-based models than comparable technical computing programs such as Mathematica or Maple. Indeed, the ease with which Matlab works with matrices is a main reason for making Matlab the basis for the laboratory component of the Introductory Mathematical Biology course.

      create a column vector matlab

    • [DOC File]Experiment 6: Using MATLAB®

      MATLAB matrices are not limited to real numbers. MATLAB defines i as the square root of (-1). However, in electrical engineering, we reserve i for current and therefore use j as the imaginary unit vector. Type in the following to make a complex matrix and calculate its determinant. j = sqrt(-1) A = [ 1+j*2 3+j*4 ; 5+j*6 7+j*8 ] B = det(A)

      vectors in matlab

    • [DOC File]matlab-2.doc

      Recall making a table of function values (by hand or EXCEL), plotting it point by point, connecting the dots. In MATLAB it is done in a way very similar to EXCEL: First create a vector (a column) of x-values, then apply the function f to each x value and obtain a vector (another column) of y-values (ALERT: most mathe-maticians cringe at the ...

      matlab vector set

    • [DOC File]Matlab Tutorial

      This is because Matlab tried to multiply a 1 X 3 vector times a 1 X 3 vector. Since vectors are really just 1 X N matrices this obviously creates a problem. You need to first decide what you desire from the result.

      how to create array in matlab

    • [DOC File]'intro' Introduction to MATLAB

      Now let's add 2 to each element of our vector, 'a', and store the result in a new vector called 'b'. >> b = a + 2. Notice how MATLAB requires no special handling of vector or matrix math. The Colon Operator. We can create some vectors using the colon operator. The following creates a 10 element vector with values from 1 to 10 » a = 1:10

      create matrix matlab

    • [DOC File]Tutorial

      The default type for any variable or quantity in MATLAB is a matrix---a two-dimensional array. Scalars and vectors are regarded as special cases of matrices. A scalar is a 1 by 1matrix, while a vector is an n by 1 or 1 by n matrix. A matrix is entered by rows, with entries in a row separated by spaces or commas, and the rows separated by ...

      matlab append value to vector

    • [DOC File]The MATLAB Notebook v1.5.2

      The way MATLAB plots a curve is to plot a sequence of dots connected by line segments. The input for such a plot consists of two vectors (lists of numbers). The first argument is the vector of x-coordinates and the second is the vector of y-coordinates. MATLAB connects dots whose coordinates appear in consecutive positions in the input vectors.

      matlab vector functions

    • [DOC File]Brain lab: Matlab tutorial

      Creating vector and arrays. The variables you created above were all scalars (only one value for each variable). MATLAB was actually built around the use of vectors and arrays, so it is very efficient at processing vectors and arrays. Vectors are lists of numbers. Create a vector called v1 with three elements (note the use of the square brackets):

      create a vector matlab

    • [DOC File]EE 3010 - Michigan Technological University

      Some Basic MatLab Commands: clear all Clears workspace of all variables close all Closes all figure and plot windows plot (x,y) Plots vector “y” verses “x” % Separates comments from script help Used to find the syntax of a command “help” is used in the following manner: help , where is a MatLab command.

      create a column vector matlab

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