Map of czechoslovakia 1938

    • [DOC File]Lesson 5 – Appeasement on the Road to WWII

      1938 – Munich Pact ( carefully study map hand-out. players: Chamberlain (Br) non-players: Stalin (USSR) Daladier (Fr.) Benes (Czech) Mussolini (It) Hitler (Ger) Note: Czechoslovakia was a functioning democracy, an ally of France, and a nation of minorities, including Sudeten Germans. Hitler’s Claim for the Sudetenland:

      former czechoslovakia map

    • [DOC File]Chapter 24, Section 2

      His proposal: Annex Austria & Czechoslovakia (see map) Union with Austria. Hitler’s 1st target: Austria. Background: Austria was made up of mostly Germans (had been formed after WWI) Most of Austria favored unification. March 12, 1938: Austria became part of GM. US’ response: Nothing. Bargaining for the Sudetenland

      towns in czechoslovakia in 1900

    • The Big Question: Did the Cold War really start in the ...

      A sketch map attached to The Munich Agreement of September 29th 1938. The shaded areas show the areas taken from Czechoslovakia and given to Germany. Click on the map button to see how the arrangements in the Munich Agreement affected the wider map of Europe.

      old map of czechoslovakia

    • [DOCX File]pre-WWII Europe, 1938

      Label and shade BLUE the European ALLIED POWERS-Great Britain –France –Soviet UnionPg. 813 (small zoomed in map) 3. Stripe in PURPLE and label the countries taken under Axis (both Germany and Italy) control by 1939: Austria, Czechoslovakia, and AlbaniaPgs. 821-822 for 4-74.

      czechoslovakia map 1940

    • [DOCX File]Mapping the War: World War II in Europe

      In March 1938, Hitler set out to create the union of Germany and Austria known as Anschluss. Draw in the diagonal lines on Austria and label 1938. Then Hitler wanted to add the German speaking area of Czechoslovakia known as Sudetenland to his German Empire. Using page 311 in green textbook, draw in the Sudetenland with diagonal lines.

      map of czechoslovakia in 1900


      October 1938 Hitler annexed Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) (map #3) March 1939 Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia (map #4) September 1939 Hitler invaded Poland (World War II begins) (map #5,6) Appeasement. appeasement was the policy adopted by British PM Chamberlain and supported by France in dealing with Hitler’s aggression.

      partition of czechoslovakia 1938

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