Marshall mix asphalt

    • SECTION 331

      Control all operations in the handling, preparation, and mixing of the asphalt mix so that the percent bitumen and the percents passing the No. 4, No. 10, No. 40 and No. 200 [4.75 mm, 2.00 mm, 425 μm and 75 μm] sieves will meet the approved job mix formula within the tolerance shown in Table 331-6.

    • [DOC File]02741 - Asphalt Concrete Pavement

      .1 Design and prepare hot-mixed, hot-laid pavement mixtures utilizing asphalt cement and aggregate in accordance with ASTM D3515 96, and to meet the Marshall Mix Design Schedule, as follows: Marshall Mix Design Property Maximum Aggregate Size (mm) (ASTM D1559 89) 10.0 12.5 16.0 20.0. Number of blows. per specimen 50 50 50 50. Minimum stability


      The results show that the Superpave mix design for low-volume roads and shoulders results in lower estimated asphalt content than does the Marshall method. The required asphalt content increases as the proportion of coarse river sand increases in the mix. Superpave requirements for the voids filled with asphalt (VFA) for low-volume traffic ...

    • [DOC File]Experiment No. 16

      Marshall Mix Design. Part I. OBJECTIVES OF ASPHALT PAVING MIX DESIGN. The design of asphalt paving mixes is largely a matter of selecting and proportioning materials to obtain the desired properties in the finished construction. The overall objective of the design of asphalt paving mixes is to determine an economical blend and gradation of ...

    • [DOC File]32 12 16 - Asphalt Concrete Pavement

      .1 Design and prepare hot-mixed, hot-laid pavement mixtures utilizing asphalt cement and aggregate to meet the Marshall Mix Design Schedule, as follows: Marshall Mix Design Property Maximum Aggregate Size (mm) 10.0 12.5 16.0 20.0. Number of blows. per specimen 50 50 50 50. Minimum stability. at 60°C (kN) 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4

    • [DOC File]BDC07S-03 - State

      Marshall Mix design hot mix asphalt (HMA) has been deleted. Only Superpave mixes are used but the term “Superpave” has been deleted as there is no need to differentiate Superpave from Marshall HMA. The IRI specifications have been adopted as the standard method for assessing ride quality for all pavements.


      STONE MATRIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT. The Marshall SMA mix design shall conform to the following: Mix Properties Value Stability, Marshall Compactor 1400 lbs., min % Voids in Total Mix 3 – 4% VMA (% Voids in the Mineral Aggregate) 17 min. Lottman, CPL 5109, Method B 70% …

    • [DOC File]SECTION 407 - VicRoads

      The Code requires an asphalt mix to be either designed by the Marshall method or the Austroads performance based method. The mix must meet certain technical requirements for volumetric and other strength and performance requirements such as stiffness, resistance to deformation, moisture sensitivity and resistance to …


      Design the asphaltic concrete job mix formula using the procedures contained in the current edition of the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series No. 2 (MS 2): (1) Chapter III, Marshall Method of Mix Design or (2) Chapter IV, HVEEM Method of Mix Design. Submit test data used to develop the job mix formula.

    • [DOC File]32 12 17 (02742) - Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repairs

      .1 Design and prepare hot-mixed, hot-laid pavement mixtures utilizing asphalt cement and aggregate to meet the Marshall Mix Design Schedule, as follows: Marshall Mix Design Property Maximum Aggregate Size (mm) (ASTM D1559 89) 10.0 12.5 16.0. Number of blows per specimen …

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