Mcf to mmbtu calculator


      LoanSTAR QuickCalcs are written to use $/MCF (see Volume II). The following conversions can be used to convert the cost per energy unit ($/therm and $/MBTU) to a cost per unit of volume ($/MCF). $/therm → $/MCF divide by 0.103 $/million Btu → $/MCF divide by 1.03

      conversion calculator mcf to mmbtu

    • [DOCX File]DART Implementation - Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

      September 25, 2013. Frequently Asked Questions. DART Implementation. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (TGP), a Kinder Morgan Company, recently announced the upcoming implementation of its new transportation system DART, which will go live …

      convert dth to mmbtu calculator

    • [DOC File]Home Energy Affordability in Maryland:

      SOURCE: Economic Policy Institute, Basic Family Budget Calculator. ... 1969 1950 - 1959 1949 or before Avg space heating BTU Consumption per HH (mmBtu) Using a Major Fuel for Space Htg 43.9 35.2 29.4 32.6 41.3 50.4 64.9 Space Heating Btu Consumption per Household where the Main Space Heating Fuel is (mmBtu): Electricity 12.0 10.6 10.4 12.7 12.9 ...

      convert mmbtu to mcf

    • [DOC File]Title 4--DEPARTMENT OF

      Quantity of fuel burned, with the designation of the units in which the quantity is reported (e.g., tons, MCF, MMBtu); 2. MMBtu of fuel burned; 3. Average cost of fuel per MMBtu, by fuel type; 4. Aggregate megawatt hours (MWhs) of net energy generated by the generating facility at each generation station, where net energy generated is the gross ...

      mcf to mmbtu conversion factor

    • [DOC File](1) Develop a common definition of peak (and critical peak ...

      Mar 21, 2006 · 1) a 9/13/2004 GDP implicit price deflator from the CEC Demand Office to convert the IEPR values to nominal dollars; 2) a 1.027 MMBTU/Mcf conversion factor, and 3) a 10.8% adder to convert from wellhead to Henry Hub (this is the same factor used to …

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    • [DOC File]Table of Contents - Arctic gas pipeline

      A real price for natural gas at Henry Hub of $3.10 per mcf in 1999 rises to $4.04 in 2020, a real increase of 1.3% per year. A world oil price of $36 per barrel in nominal terms in 2020 is consistent with a real price of $17.46 in 1999 rising to $22.41 in 2020.

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