Medications used for stemi


      The second method can be used with an irregular rhythm to estimate the rate. Count the number of R waves in a 6 second strip and multiply by 10. For example, if there are 7 R waves in a 6 second strip, the heart rate is 70 (7x10=70). Instant Feedback: On a typical EKG grid, 5 small squares, or 1 large square, represent 0.20 seconds of time

      stemi medication protocol

    • [DOC File]Jones & Bartlett Learning

      Describe the effectiveness of any respiratory treatments given (i.e. Nebulizers, Chest PT, Other Respiratory Medications, Oxygen, etc) Describe residents comfort level as r/t respiratory status. ... Describe nature of medication used (include reason for use) and nursing skills and observations used in administration of medication.

      stemi medication guidelines

    • [DOCX File]EAEMS Regional STEMI Plan: Rationale

      Medications-Supposed to be taking Isorsorbide, Clopidigrel, Aspirin, Lipitor- she says she stopped taking 7 months ago,, and Nitro Patch. ... STEMI and Door to Balloon . Case #1. Clinical Presentation. August 13, 2009: John Code, a 65 year old male, presented to the Emergency Room via squad from home with complaints of chest pain, SOB and ...

      post stemi medications guidelines

    • [DOC File]Ohio Chapter, American College of Cardiology

      Chapter 12. Emergency Medications. Unit Summary. Paramedics are required to know the names, class, mechanism of action, adverse reactions and side effects, interactions, indications, contraindications, complications, routes of administration, dose, and specific administration considerations for all of the following emergency medications and intravenous fluids.

      stemi treatment

    • [DOC File]Basic EKG Dysrhythmia Identification

      Nov 02, 2013 · Some questions seem too specific while others lack direction, ex. Current Medication section does not ask about specific types of medications being used (i.e. steroids), does not have enough space, and does not address other medications that the patient may be taking concurrently.

      stemi treatment ed

    • [DOC File]Acute Coronary Syndrome STEMI - developinganaesthesia

      Acute STEMI (Use STEMI Activation Cell Phone) Note: If cardiac catheterization is indicated, TTM should not be delayed. Echocardiogram: To r/o regional wall motion abnormality and severe contractile dysfunction. EF used for selection of vasoactive drugs.-Consider early Echo if requested by Cardiology Consult, or in the case of any of the following:

      stemi guidelines

    • [DOC File]Clinical Pathway for Uncomplicated STEMI

      STEMI (S-T Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction) STEMI is defined as presentation with clinical symptoms consistent with an acute coronary syndrome together with S-T segment elevation on ECG New. LBBB may be included in this sub-heading as the treatment approach is similar to STEMI.

      contraindications for nitrates in stemi

    • [DOC File]STEMI standing orders

      A unique STEMI identification number will allow unification of pre-hospital and hospital data which will increase the data usefulness. The data fields are noted in the following list: 1. Incident location . 2. Pre-hospital unit(s) 3. Activity times of pre-hospital . 4. Co-morbid factors, current patient vitals and medications. 5. Receiving ...

      post stemi medication


      ST-Elevation MI (STEMI) STANDING ORDERS. Based on 2007 ACC/AHA STEMI Focused Updatea and 2009 ACC/AHA STEMI/PCI Guidelines Focused Updatesb. 1 . DIAGNOSTICS. MEDICATIONS. SELECT REPERFUSION STRATEGY. PRIMARY PCI STRATEGY ORDERS (goal door to balloon

      stemi medication protocol

    • Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome

      Enoxaparin used with tenecteplase is the most comprehensively studied. ASPIRIN. Class I A A daily dose of aspirin (initial dose of 162 to 325 mg orally; maintenance dose of 75 to 162 mg) should be given indefinitely after STEMI to all patients without a true aspirin allergy THIENOPYRIDINES

      stemi medication guidelines

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