Men swollen feet and ankles

    • [DOC File]Medical Terms WW1

      Arthritis Ankles & Feet only – joints are sites of rheumatic disease . Arthritis Crippling disease of joint linings, cartilage swollen & painful with limited movement, stiff and painful, unable to move properly . Astigmatism Eye defect causing blurred vision. Balanitis Inflammation of Glans Penis Boils Raised, tender pus-filled areas. Bronchitis Inflammation of bronchial tubes – acute or ...

      reason for swollen ankles

    • [DOCX File]Stephanie Mwangaza Brown

      Swollen feet or ankles. Other swellings or edema . Discomfort in the pit of your stomach. Itchy or burning skin. In the last 6 months, have you: Gained more than 10 pounds. Lost more than 10 pounds . Lost your interest in eating. Are you: More thirsty than usual. Always hungry. VII/VIII. Do you have: Dizziness or vertigo . Headaches more than once a week. Frequent nosebleeds. Tingling or ...

      what does swollen ankles mean

    • [DOT File]FM Health History Form - Functional Medicine University

      Swollen ankles. Sensitive to hot. Sensitive to cold. Extremities cold or clammy. Hands/Feet go to sleep/numbness/tingling. High blood pressure. Chest pain. Pain between shoulders. Dizziness upon standing. Fainting spells . High cholesterol. High triglycerides. Wheezing. Irregular heartbeat. Palpitations. Low exercise tolerance. Frequent coughs. Breathing heavily. Frequently sighing. Shortness ...

      swelling of ankles and feet


      It won’t happen to everyone, though—people who are overweight, who get swollen feet or ankles, or who have certain medical conditions, like diabetes, are more prone. If it does happen, the average gain is about one shoe size by age 70 or 80. 2. Motion Sickness is Caused by Your Insides Actually Shifting When a roller coaster comes over its crest, slows for a second for added torture, and ...

      swelling of the ankles

    • [DOC File]PATIENT SYMPTOM SURVEY - Optimal Health Chiropractic

      190 ( Cold feet. 191 ( Cold hands. 192 ( Experiences shortness of breath while sitting still. 193 ( Heart skips beats. 194 ( Tendency of High blood pressure. 195 ( Leg cramps during bedtime. 196 ( Leg cramps during daytime. 197 ( Low blood pressure at times. 198 ( Pain in leg/hips when walking. 199 ( Frequent swollen ankles. 200 ( Pains in the ...

      swollen ankles in women


      Are your ankles often badly swollen? Do cold hands or feet trouble you even in hot weather? Has a doctor ever said that you have or have had heart trouble, an abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), heart attack or coronary? Do you suffer from frequent cramps in your legs? Do you often have difficulty breathing? Do you get out of breath long before anyone else? Do you sometimes get out of ...

      feet swelling in men


      Swollen Ankles Depression ... Wheezing 14. Heme/Lymphatic. 7. Gastrointestinal Easy Bleeding Swollen Lymph Nodes Bloating/Gas Bowel Changes Constipation Diarrhea 15. Allergic/Immune Hemorrhoids Rectal Bleeding Nausea/Vomiting Vomiting Blood Hay Fever Hives Rash Stomach Pain Indigestion/Heartburn List names and specialties of all physician seen in the last year. * * * * * Name …

      swollen ankles in men

    • [DOC File]Therapy Guidelines

      ( Pus in urine MEN: Swollen feet or ankles ( Blood in urine ( Prostate trouble. Leg pains ( Bruise or bleed easily ( Penis discharge . Leg ulcers ( Pain/swollen testes. Varicose veins ( Swollen glands ( Hot weather intolerance WOMEN: ( Cold weather intolerance ( Menstrual trouble ( Increase thirst ( Vaginal discharge ( Increase urine volume ( Hot flashes. Medical History: Anemia ( Hepatitis ...

      medications that cause swollen ankles

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