Mg l to mol m3

    • [DOC File]Productivity Calculations SOLUTIONS

      During the week, 5 mg O2/ L was consumed by RESPIRATION. This is… 5 mg O2 / L-wk * (3 x 10-5 moles of oxygen/ mg O2 )* (1 mol C / 1 mol O2 ) = 15 x 10-5 moles of C/L-wk. Then we work with the light bottle: Start = 10 mg O2/L After 1 week = 11 mg O2/L. During the week, 1 mg O2/L was PRODUCED—both photosynthesis and respiration were going on ...

    • [DOCX File]Exercise #1 - “Preparation of a Gas Bag Standard”

      x mg m 3 = 50ppm 4 6 .1 g mol 24.45 l mol =98. 3 mg m 3 . x g dl = 98. 3 mg m3 1g 1000mg 1 m 3 10000dl =0.0000098 3 g dl . 0.00000984 g/dl (breath) -> x g/dl (blood) -> %BAC. x %BAC= 0.0000098 3 g dl br 2100 1 = 0.0206 ~ 0.02 %BAC . Prepare BACtrack S80 sample train by inserting the mouth piece and fit tubing between mouthpiece and prepared ...

    • [DOCX File]AP Chemistry

      c.The molecular mass of the compound is approximately 300 g/mol. Determine the molecular formula. 24. 75.0 g of Fe reacts with 11.5 L of O 2 ( d = 3.48 g/L) according to the reaction: 4 Fe( s …


      1 ppm O3 (volume) = 2.14 mg O3/m3 (6) .1 ppm O3 (volume) = 214 ug/m3 (used more often in Europe) ... Ozone dissolved in water: 0-20 mg/L 0-20 ppm (by weight) Important Qualitative Ozone Relationships. Ozone half-life in air is typically about 15 minutes in open areas (can be hours in enclosed areas) and increases with lower temperature and ...

    • [DOC File]AP Chemistry

      Place the beaker on a hot pad to cool. Mass the beaker + anhydrous (m3). Return the beaker to the hot plate for an additional 5 minutes of heating, and then mass it again (m3). If the beaker loss additional mass, then repeat the heating and massing until you get two masses that are within 0.002 g of each other. ... .0353 L Mg(Cl)2 x .125 mol Mg ...

    • [DOC File]Chapter Three: Chemical Concepts

      Since the solution is so dilute, we can assume that ppm = mg solute/L soln, therefore the solution is 63.3 mg/L of K3Fe(CN)6. 63.3 mg. K3Fe(CN)6 1 g 1 mol. K3Fe(CN)6 3 mol K+ = 5.77 x 10-4 M K+ 1 L 1000 mg 329.3 g. K3Fe(CN)6 1 mol. K3Fe(CN)6 Solution-Diluent Volume Ratios: amt of solution to the amt of solvent . Slide 10

    • [DOC File]BANCO DE QUESTÕES 2015

      Alternativa correta. A concentração 0,6 mg/L equivale a 1,75 x 10-6 mol/L. para efetuar esse cálculo, basta dividir a massa 0,6 x 10-3 g pela massa molar do sulfato de alumínio, que vale 342g/mol. 0,6 x 10-3g dividido por 342 g/mol é igual a 1,75 x 10-6 mol/L. Alternativa incorreta. Nesse caso o aluno errou ao trabalhar com potência de dez.

    • [DOC File]Lab Math

      Common units for concentration measurements include mol/L, mmol/L, mg/L, mg/dL, and μg/mL. Others are also used. You need to be able to convert between these measurements readily. (Note that concentrations in mol/L are also called molar, and abbreviated M. A 2.5 mM solution, contains 2.5 mmol/L) Examples:

    • [DOC File]Unit II: Water Quality

      1 mg/L = 1 g/m3 1 ppm (w/w) 1 g/L = 1 mg/ m3 1 ppb (w/w) In some situations, the solution is concentrated or we must deal with a non-aqueous liquid (such as gasoline), the specific gravity may not be equal to 1.0 and . mg/L = ppm (w/w) Specific gravity of the solution g/L …

    • [DOC File]Experiment 5: EDTA Determination of Calcium and Magnesium

      0.016 mol / L x 40.078 g / mol x 1000 mg / g = 641 mg / L = 641 ppm Note: 40.078 g is the MW of Ca; total calcium is reported in terms of calcium even though both Mg and Ca are present in the sample. In a typical water sample, more calcium salts are present than magnesium salts.

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