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    • [DOC File]KADF :: Request for Funds (application)


      1d. In Good Standing with SOS? ( Yes ( No ( N/A 1e. Tax Identification # AR Fax Number AR e-mail address (e.g. name@abc.com) 3. Project Contact (if different than AR in 2): Last Name First MI Phone: () Cell: () E-mail Address: Funding Request ( This application is for requests to fund projects that fall outside standard county program guidelines.

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    • [DOC File]S


      Volunteers under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all SOS Animal Rescue activities. Signed (parent or guardian if volunteer is under 18 years of age)_____ Date _____ PLEASE RETURN TO SOS ANIMAL RESCUE, P.O. BOX 1135, MIDLAND, MI 48641-1135 PHONE: 989-492-0042. 2/6/11 JC Taylor

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    • [DOCX File]PDReport .us


      Utilize available automated systems to support district administration (i.e., Bridges and Microsoft Word, Excel, and SOS, BRIMM, SIGMA). Operate standard office equipment such as calculators, duplicating machines, facsimile machines and scanners. Type correspondence (letters and memos), reports and minutes using Word and Excel software packages.

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    • [DOCX File]Chapter 2 - DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAD)


      C2.1.2.2. RIC. The RIC is a 3-character, alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a unit, activity, or organization that requires system ability to route transactions or receive transactions routed to it (e.g., source of supply) within logistics and financial business systems using DLMS and legacy 80 record position format transactions.

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    • [DOCX File]CS-214 Position Description Form .us


      CS-214. Rev 11/2013. Position Code. State of Michigan. Civil Service. Commission. Capitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002. Lansing, MI 48909. POSITION DESCRIPTION

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    • [DOC File]State of Michigan


      Jurisdictions of all sizes are participating in the migration, from Michigan’s largest cities (e.g., City of Detroit, Wayne County: 606,900 registered voters) to Michigan’s smallest townships (e.g., Warner Township, Antrim County: 225 registered voters).

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    • [DOC File]State of Michigan


      Jurisdictions of all sizes are participating in the migration, from Michigan’s largest cities (e.g., City of Detroit, Wayne County: 606,900 registered voters) to Michigan’s smallest townships (e.g., Warner Township, Antrim County: 225 registered voters).

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    • [DOCX File]06/29/2020 - Defense Logistics Agency


      or 99). The NATO country, which originally cataloged the item, is responsible for performing the cataloging action. Mail the input transaction with a letter of justification or a DD Form 1685 to Logistics Information Services who, in 1685 to Logistics Information Services who, in turn, will forward a request for cataloging action to the responsible NATO country.

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      The registered agent is an individual resident of the state whose name is: First Name MI Last Name Suffix 4. The registered office address, which is identical to the business address of the registered agent in Texas, is: (Only use street or building address; see Instructions) TX Street Address City State Zip Code 5.

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    • [DOC File]Form 803—General Information - Texas


      This form and the information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and tax specialist. ... (512) 463-5555 or e-mail to: corpinfo@sos.state.tx.us ... First Name MI Last Name Suffix Street or Mailing Address City State Zip Code Country First Name MI Last Name Suffix Street or Mailing Address City State Zip Code ...

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