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    • [DOC File]Child, Parent & State Outline - Home | NYU School of Law


      Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health (US, 1990) Issue: pro-life state insisting on the right to prefer life, even at the cost of the Cruzan family living with their daughter in a vegetative state. Holding: state may apply clear and convincing standard to whether guardian’s decision is right. Main issues:

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    • [DOCX File]ABD e -NEWS - Iowa


      The percentage of students who reported smoking marijuana heavily - at least 20 days during the past month - more than doubled, from 1.9% in 1993 to 4% in 2005. The percentage of students who reported using illegal drugs other than marijuana, such as cocaine and heroin, in the past month jumped from 5.4% in 1993 to 8.2% in 2005.

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    • [DOC File]GLOBAL TRIVIA - Baylor University


      Missouri, an Algonquin word meaning “muddy water,” referring to the Missouri River ... A 1998 estimate found that marijuana was the fourth most lucrative crop in the United States, after corn, soybeans, and hay, and the biggest grossing crop in several states. ... in the United Kingdom, 46 percent of doctors, recommend patients get ...

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    • [DOC File]Outline for Criminal Law


      Doctors have only duty of due care; here it requires extraordinary care. Holding: D’s omission to continue treatment under the circumstances, though intentional and with knowledge that the patient would die, was not an unlawful failure to perform a legal duty. Do you think it is an omission? Public policy to protect doctors

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    • [DOC File]1 Th 8/26 Introduction and overview of course


      US v. Pheaster (9C) L. left F. & said was going to meet A. to get some marijuana he had been promised for free, then disappeared. That day, L’s millionaire dad received ransom demand & threat. A. & another tried for the kidnapping & ransom. F.’s testimony—could be used to show that the meeting occurred.

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    • [DOC File]Board of Medicine Newsletter Aug 2007 - Virginia


      18VAC85-20-420. Responsibilities of doctors who mix, dilute or reconstitute drugs in their practices. A. Doctors of medicine or osteopathic medicine who delegate the mixing, diluting or reconstituting of sterile drug products for administration retain responsibility for patient care and shall monitor and document any adverse responses to the drugs.

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    • [DOCX File]Riverside City College


      ADJ-Narcotics. Tuesday and Thursday. Spring Semester, 2018. Questions 1- 10 are worth 2 points. Question 11 is worth 5 points. True and false. In chapter one, we learned that a drug is, “Any substance that modifies by enhancing, inhibiting, or distorting the mind and/or body functioning.”

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    • fitness for duty - Human Resources

      FITNESS FOR DUTY TO RETURN FROM LEAVE CERTIFICATION _____ An employee on Family and Medical Leave because of his/her own serious medical condition must present this release to his/her supervisor prior to or on the day he/she returns to work.

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    • [DOC File]PSYCHOLOGY - VA San Francisco


      The average age is 45 years old. Ethnic composition goes in the following order of magnitude: Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics, and other groups. About 70% of enrollees have substance abuse problems. Drugs of abuse include alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines, opiates and marijuana.

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    • [DOC File]Fake Weed, Real Drug: K2 Causing Hallucinations in Teens


      Since JWH-018 or K2 acts like marijuana, you'd expect to see the same effects, including sleepiness, relaxation, reduced blood pressure, and at high doses, hallucinations and delusions. While some patients between the ages of 14 and 21 were showing up with hallucinations, other symptoms, such as increased agitation and elevated blood pressure ...

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