Molecular pharmacology journal

    • Dr Thomas Taylor-Clark

      University of South Florida, Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology, Tampa FL (July 2009-present). CURRENT FUNDING. Principle Investigator. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute R01 (2013-2018): “Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species induce airway sensory nerve activity”. $1,250,000 in Direct costs. Co-investigator.

      molecular pharmacology impact factor


      Journal of Molecular Pharmacology. Journal of Neurochemistry. Journal of Neurophysiology. Journal of Neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Journal of Physiology. Journal of Theoretical Biology. Molecular Neurobiology. Neuron. Neuroscience. Proceedings …

      mol pharm


      97 molecular pharmacology 6.580. 98 journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism6.555. 99 journal of the american society of nephrology6.551. 100 plant journal 6.458. 101 american review of respiratory disease6.421. 102 reviews of geophysics 6.371. 103 annual review of nutrition 6.362. 104 american journal of pathology 6.334

      current molecular pharmacology

    • [DOC File]Subject Classification - The IIOAB Journal

      Molecular medicine. Gene therapy, molecular structural analysis, genetic epidemiology and molecular and clinical pharmacology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, human biology and path physiology, gene technology. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics

      mol pharmacology

    • [DOC File]Rolf Joseph Craven

      International Journal of Cancer. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Molecular and Cellular Biology. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Molecular Pharmacology. PLOS One. Tissue Antigens. Research support. Current:

      pharmacology journal articles

    • [DOC File]Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

      Molecular pharmacology of botulinum toxin and tetanus toxin. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 1986;26:427-53. Citation 36. Black JD, Dolly JO. Interaction of 125I-labeled botulinum neurotoxins with nerve terminals. I: ultrastructural autoradiographic localization and quantitation of distinct membrane acceptors for types A and B on motor nerves ...

      mol pharmacol

    • [DOC File]Rolf Joseph Craven - University of Kentucky

      International Journal of Cancer. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Molecular and Cellular Biology. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Molecular Pharmacology. PLOS One. Tissue Antigens. Research support. Current: “S2RPgrmc1: sigma-2 receptor as a therapeutic target in lung cancer” Role ...

      jpet journal

    • [DOC File]Melissa M - Indiana University School of Medicine

      Journal Reviewer. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (2004-present) Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2008-present) Hepatology (2011-present) Anti-oxidant & Redox Signaling (2011-present) Chemical Research in Toxicology (2010) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2011) …

      what is molecular pharmacology


      Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Journal of Physiology (London) Life Sciences. Molecular Brain Research. Molecular Pharmacology. Nature. Neurobiology Disease . Neuroscience Letters. Neuropharmacology. Neurophysiology. Neurotoxicology. Pflugers Archiv, European Journal of Physiology. Pharmacology and Toxicology. Proceedings ...

      molecular pharmacology impact factor

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