Moral would you rather

    • [DOC File]Heinz dilemma - Los Angeles Mission College

      Kohlberg's stages of moral development. ... Along a similar vein, laws are regarded as social contracts rather than rigid dictums. Those that do not promote general social welfare should be changed when necessary to meet the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This is attained through majority decision, and inevitably compromise.

    • [DOCX File]WSCC English - Home

      When a police officer stops you for speeding, you should apologize, be polite, and find your driver’s license. ... Slavery as a moral issue. b. Evaluating the causes of the Civil War Economic reasons Cultural factors ... What would you rather do tonight—go to that new movie we wanted to see, get tickets for the rock concert on campus, or ...

    • [DOC File]Ethical Dilemma Paper - De Anza College

      Grading is not made based on your decision; it is rather on your process of arriving at the decision and discussion of how the ethical principles and culture apply to your case. An “A” paper must have correct grammar, spelling, APA format, logical argument construction, and accurately cited references.

    • [DOC File]Topic 1: introduction to Ethics

      Rather than assert moral standards, it investigates moral terms themselves and looks at what moral concepts mean. Most of moral philosophy before the 20th century was essentially normative, that is it investigates the kind of moral standards we should arrive at and rules that would allow us to regulate right and wrong conduct.


      6. You run an orphanage and have had a hard time making ends meet. A car dealership offers you a new van worth $15,000 for free if you will falsely report to the government that the dealership donated a van worth $30,000. You really need the van and it will give you an opportunity to make the children happy. Do you agree to take the van? 7.

    • [DOC File]Contents of Short

      Don't criticise something just because you can't have it yourself. Things aren't always as good as they seem. Try lots of things before you decide on one. Don't play tricks on others unless you want the same to happen to you. If you don't ask for something, you won't get it.

    • [DOC File]Unit 1/Week 1

      Answer: In this fable, the moral is, “A simple life in peace and safety is preferable to a life of luxury tortured by fear.” It means that the Country Mouse would rather live in country where it is quiet and simple instead of the nice and luxurious life in the city where it is dangerous.

    • [DOCX File]9bab81bdb5f12d944e30 …

      “boasting” at least thirty times in his epistles, Paul never yielded to the temptation to boast in himself. Rather, he knew that, like the guilty tax-gatherer who stood in stark contrast to the boastful Pharisee in Jesus’ parable (Luke 18:9-14), there was only one thing that he would ever be able to boast in—the mercy and grace of God (1 Cor. 1:31; 13:4; 2 Cor. 1:12; 10:17; 11:30; 12:5 ...

    • [DOC File]An Outline for Ethical Decision-Making

      Moral imagination is, we would argue, a kind of emotional intelligence that keeps us connected to those we ordinarily wouldn’t know much about, or perhaps even think to care much about. 4. Moral Theorizing. In this step we take an honest look at the kind of moral reasoning we bring to bear on the decision.

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