More efficiently synonym

    • [DOC File]Environmental Assessment (EA) Supplemental Guidance

      More information on the analysis of cumulative impacts can be found in Enclosure C: Cumulative Effects Analysis. ... Impair is not a synonym for impact or effect. For us in NPS, impair has a specific meaning, and is one of our levels of effect. ... to more efficiently serve the needs of visitors and staff by improving visitor flow, maximizing ...

      synonym for efficiently

    • [DOCX File]Microsoft Word - Gloss

      Refers to the tendency of bureaucracies to refine their procedures to ever more efficiently attain their goals. More generally, refers to the process of secondary organizations taking over functions performed by primary groups (see also INTENSIFICATION, and RATIONALIZATION). ... It is also used as a synonym for capitalism. CAPITALISM. An ...

      make efficient synonym

    • [DOC File]NO

      Appellate courts would waste time and resources attempting to address some claims that were meritless and other claims that, though colorable, would be handled more efficiently if addressed in the first instance by the [trial] court on collateral review. Id. at ___, 155 L. Ed. 2d at 721. The Supreme Court further reasoned that

      efficiently meaning

    • [DOC File]Chapter 7

      Thus, when the strings in a column vary in length, Oracle can store them more efficiently in a VARCHAR2 column than in a CHAR column. Oracle also uses different techniques for comparing CHAR and VARCHAR2 strings to one another so that comparison expressions evaluate as expected. ... A synonym is an alias for a table, view, sequence, or other ...

      efficiently synonym in english

    • [DOC File]COP 3540 - University of North Florida

      False) Generally speaking, a non-recursive routine will execute more efficiently in space and time. 11….. The logical data structure used to support recursive programming is the

      much more synonym

    • [DOC File]Department Of Veterans Affairs Home | Veterans ...

      The Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP) Laboratory Literal Vitek Interface LA*5.2*12 Patch Documentation is designed to provide the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (DVAMC), Information Resources Management Service (IRM), and the Laboratory Microbiology Staff with the necessary technical information required to ...

      synonyms for the word more

    • [DOC File]ESL Lesson: Justin Timberlake opens own golf course

      This means it uses water more efficiently. There are also many restored areas of natural beauty, (5) ____ waterfalls, lakes and streams. Timberlake said: "I was able to (6) ____ the question, is it possible for a golf course to actually be green, and I'm sure you all know I mean, eco-friendly.”

      a lot more synonym


      Synonym. A synonym, or word with the same meaning, is used in the sentence. My opponent's argument is . fallacious, misleading – plain wrong. Antonym. A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the meaning of an unknown term. Although some men are . loquacious, others hardly talk at all. Explanation

      another word for efficiency

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