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      is MP4, as this can be accessed on different web browsers and devices. If your video file is not in a MP4 format, then you may wish to consider using a free video converter tool. In relation to text-based documents, the suggested format to upload is Microsoft Word as these can be interpreted by screen readers, whilst other formats, i.e. PDF cannot.

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      .mp4. Je retiens le .flv. Bouton . Outils. puis. DownloadHelper. puis . Media puis . le choix des deux formats de fichier J’ai choisi le passage par la deuxième possibilité et le fichier vidéo au format .flv. Dès que l’on clique sur le choix l’explorateur s’ouvre, on choisit le . …

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      : Look at the nested folders in your H drive. Use the word box of 12 files to put them in the folders that would best organize the assignments. Pay attention to the suffix to determine the type of file format …

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    • [DOC File]A Brief Overview of Social Network Analysis and NodeXL

      audio: .mp3 . video: .mp4 (Flash video) The intermediary forms of the videos should be .mov (Quicktime) or .wmv (Windows Media), which are less lossy, less compressed forms. These intermediary forms should be archived as well. simulations: .fla. games: Web deliverable . assessments: This may well have to be done in a .doc, .txt, or .rtf…for upload into the various digital repositories. Do ...

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