Ms powerpoint pdf notes

    • [DOC File]College Research PowerPoint Project

      College Research PowerPoint Project. Directions: After researching 2 of your top college choices you will chose . 1. that you will present to the class in a PowerPoint. While working on this project you will receive various grades for research, completing worksheets, and notes that will be worth daily and quiz grades.

      microsoft powerpoint notes pdf

    • [DOC File]PowerPoint Practice Actvities

      Beginning Microsoft® PowerPoint: Practice 1. RUBRIC. 0 3 5 8 10 Less than 25% of items completed correctly. More than 25% of items completed correctly More than 50% of items completed correctly More than 75% of items completed correctly All items completed correctly Each step to complete is considered a single item, even if it is part of a larger string of steps.

      notes on powerpoint

    • [DOC File]CIS 150 – Introduction to Computer Applications

      Computer Concepts Class Notes . These notes are to accompany the Computer Concepts PowerPoint presentation. Please refer to these notes when viewing the presentation. Slides 2 & 3. identify the major objectives of this presentation and these notes. Slide 4: A computer is defined as . an electronic device that operates under the control

      save powerpoint as pdf with notes

    • [DOC File]Presentation Skills Self-Assessment

      1) Your notes which no else sees. 2) Handouts with more detailed information & references . 3) Visual aids (usually PowerPoint) that support your talk and help engage the audience. PowerPoint Tips. Keep text to a minimum - avoid full sentences, keep level of bullets to a minimum. Use colour to focus people on the most important details.

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