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      EMAIL: (Questions only- please do not email completed packets to this address.) WELCOME TO THE ACES$ ADVANTAGE! ACES$ Financial Management Services is the payroll provider for Magellan Complete Care of Virginia (MCC of VA) as part of its participation in the

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    • [PDF File]Welcome to ACES$

      Our Mission As an organization that embraces the philosophy of self- determined services, we believe that individuals should have: Freedom to plan an independent life with the supports they need Authority to control their support dollars and responsibility for the use of those dollars Support to live and be involved in the community in a way that suits

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    • [PDF File]CDASS Program Training Manual 20170109

      CDASS Program Training Manual (Revised 2/28/2017) 51 Section 5: Financial Management Services (FMS) Provider Choice Which FMS provider you select is an individual choice. As long as you are receiving CDASS, you will have an on-going relationship with your FMS provider,

      cil access

    • [PDF File]Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

      No. If an attendant or participant has access to a smartphone or tablet, using a landline is not an option. If you have access to the app, use it for all time entry. If you qualify and register for the landline option, the expectation is that you do not have access to a device to use the app. What if the attendant does not know what service they

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    • [PDF File]Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)’ Fiscal/Employer Agent ...

      An online account that allows you to: o View your personal data o Track hours, attendants and timesheets in real time o Access a library of online information Improved notification process for both you and your attendants They also have a dedicated call center right here in Virginia. Since they have a 30-year background in

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    • [PDF File]Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Town Hall - MyCIL

      6 ACES$ EVV TOWN HALL – Next, it’s time to register you and your mobile device with CellTrak. Note: Only one mobile device can be licensed per user. Step 1. If you do not have the CellTrak app open already, please open it.

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    • [PDF File]EVV MOBILE APPLICATION: How to download and register - …

      1 -8339554545 2 ... is to register with the ACES$ Online™ portal. If you already are registered on the portal, you can move directly to downloading and registering for the EVV mobile application. If you are not registered ... • Each device needs a Gmail account to access …

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    • [PDF File]ACES$ Online™ Participant Manual

      3 Register for an Account 1. Go to ACES$ Online: 2. Click the top right corner on “Timesheet” near the clock. 3. Click “Register for Account.” 4. Select Organization from drop down menu.

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    • [PDF File]Get the ACES$ Advantage! - Louisiana

      whether that’s submitting online, emailing, mailing or faxing. • Access to real-time information — Thanks to ACES$ Online™, participants, workers, service coordinators and state partners can view real-time information. This level of transparency ensures qual-ity and helps you manage your services.

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    • [PDF File]How a Center for Independent Living Provides FMS Services

      Online goods and service expenditure tracking, submission and reporting for approved items on service plans PRM: PAID Resource Management is an internally developed CRM system that allows for the tracking of all calls/communications with clients and their attendants. ACES$ Financial Management Services 13

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