Natural gas conversion calculator

    • [DOC File]Ag Emissions Calculator Form for Fams and CAFOs

      IC Engines Pollutants Water Use (acre-ft/acre-year) Acreage (acres) Well Depth (ft) Conversion Factor Annual Emissions (lbs/year) Engine 1 NOx AAAA x AAAA x AAAA x 0.06037 = AAA AA Engine 1 VOC AAAA x AAAA x AAAA x 0.00525 = AAAA A Engine 2 NOx AAAA x AAAA x AAAA x 0.06037 = AAA AA Engine 2 VOC AAAA x AAAA x AAAA x 0.00525 = AA AAA Engine 3 NOx ...

      natural gas mmbtu conversion

    • Fuel Substitution Technical Guidance for Energy Efficiency

      Calculator instructions are included in the introduction tab. Users input measure specific values into section one of the “Fuel Sub Calcs” tab. ... This conversion applies to energy savings reporting only and does not impact the cost effectiveness calculations. ... As the natural gas emissions and source energy factors are based simply on ...

      ccf to mmbtu

    • [DOC File]Energy & Climate Section

      Energy is found in different forms including light, heat, chemical, and motion, and is often converted from one form to another by both natural and human-made processes. There are a variety of sources to produce energy and electricity: oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, …

      natural gas unit conversions

    • [DOCX File]NGER threshold calculator user guide 2018-19

      If you select a gaseous fuel then the Threshold Calculator will automatically select cubic metres (m3) as the unit of measurement. The units of measurement cannot be changed. If you measure the amount of your gaseous fuels in GJ, you can use the gas conversion calculator (located in the Convert & Lookup screen) to convert the amount to m3.

      how to convert mmbtu to mcf

    • [DOCX File]Produced and Purchased Electricity - College of Saint ...

      Data for coal is reported in short tons. Natural gas is reported in MMbtu in the spreadsheet calculator. The data for cogeneration steam production is recorded by the SJU power plant in pounds of steam. This figure must be converted into MMbtu in order to be entered into the CA-CP calculator.

      natural gas unit conversion calculator

    • [DOCX File]NGER threshold calculator user guide 2019-20

      If you select a gaseous fuel then the Threshold Calculator will automatically select m3 as the unit of measurement. The units of measurement cannot be changed. If you measure the amount of your gaseous fuels in GJ, you can use the gas conversion calculator (located in the Convert and Lookup screen) to convert the amount to m3.

      natural gas conversion formulas

    • [DOC File]Natural Gas Pipeline Flow Calculations - PDH Source, LLC

      Example #9: Determine the frictional pressure drop for the natural gas flow described in Example #5, that is, natural gas with a specific gravity of 0.65 flowing at 60 cfs through a 12” diameter pipe with a gas temperature of 80 oF and average pressure of 500 psi, if the …

      natural gas volume conversion calculator

    • Carbon dioxide emissions calculator

      By using this simple online calculator, you can compare natural gas, coal, oil, petrol, diesel and the generation of electricity to see how many tonnes of CO. 2. each energy resource produces. Each different resource can be measured in a number of different units (for example, litres or tonnes).

      natural gas btu conversion calculator

    • [DOC File]Personal Emissions Calculator

      Personal Emissions Calculator – Averages for Teacher Use. Directions: Fill in the information below for an approximation of the average American family. If students are not able to find this information on their homes, let them use the averages. Keep in mind that many households do not require natural gas. HOME HEATING. TRAVEL WASTE DISPOSAL

      natural gas mmbtu conversion

    • [DOCX File]Calculating Low-rise Residential Site Energy Use Intensity ...

      For example, electricity consumption is often reported in kWh or MWh, and natural gas and propane is reported in therms or MBTU. In order to calculate site energy EUI, unit conversion is needed to translate energy consumption to kBTU. These calculations are all handled in the calculator tool.

      ccf to mmbtu

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