Natural remedies for vaginal odor

    • [DOC File]A Review of Ozone Therapy Applications

      Anaerobes and G. vaginalis are normal inhabitants of vagina, but these bacteria overgrowth dominant of the normal Lactobacillus flora results in the appearance of a thin, fishy odor, gray vaginal discharge that adheres to the vaginal walls. A small amount of vaginal discharge may be …

      what causes vaginal odor

    • 23 Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor in Women

      A vaginal cannula is used to introduce the ozone gas to the patient. Unlike Rectal Insufflation, there is no danger of pressure buildup. The ozone concentration used is usually 25-30ug/ml, and the flow rate is usually 1/4LPM (litres per minute) or 1/8LPM. Treatment time is usually 5 - 15 minutes.

      what causes vaginal odor in older women


      Nip the malady in its bud by taking recourse to Nature’s cure, natural methods of healing and natural way of living. Use open air, fresh air, pure water, simple, wholesome, natural food, …

      how to get rid of vaginal odor

    • [DOC File]Chapter One

      TABLE OF CONTENTS. Background and Overview 8. 1 Background and Overview 8. 1.0 Intent 8. 1.1 Uses of the CARE Tool 10. 2 Working Files 14. 3 Tickler Inbox 15

      fishy smell vaginal

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