Natural ways to lower blood sugar levels

    • [DOC File]Idaho Plate Method for Meal Planning

      With the Idaho Plate Method you can start to control your blood sugar levels. When you eat about the same amount of food on your plate at each meal, you can help avoid blood sugar swings. It is best not to skip a food group. You need the nutrients from each food group to stay healthy.

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      A good plan includes healthy eating and regular physical activity, but these lifestyle changes alone may not be enough to lower blood sugar adequately. Many people with type 2 diabetes also may need one or more medicines. Some medicines work together in different ways to control blood sugar levels.

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    • [DOCX File]A. Facts - ADA

      Blood glucose levels are affected by a wide variety of factors: food intake (including the type and amount of food), level of physical activity, dosage of insulin and other medications, physical growth, physical changes during puberty, levels of physical and emotional stress, as well as illness and injury.

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    • [DOC File]Voice of the Diabetic - NFB

      Diabetics balance diet, insulin, oral medications, and exercise throughout the day to achieve optimal blood sugar levels. Gastroparesis unpredictability is a new factor in the already difficult equation. The gut might function properly, not at all, or at a very delayed rate (5).

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