Nature neuroscience current issue

    • [DOC File]A Biblical Counseling Perspective on Neuroscience and the ...

      The implications of these studies of the neuroscience of religiousness are generally dissonant with our Christian understanding of human nature that suggests that these experiences are manifestations of our souls and should not be affected by, or be the products of, our bodies or our brains. . . . Thus, the consequences of neurological damage and disease on the most human aspects of behavior ...

      nature reviews neuroscience

    • [DOC File]This seminar series builds on the Blakemore and Frith ...

      Current resonances between neuroscience and education encourage models of learning that emphasise the complexity of interaction between biology and educational environments, and that mitigation is always possible. Morton concludes: “Cause is not an easy word. Its popular use would be laughable if it was not so dangerous, informing, as it does, government policy on matters that affect us all.”

      nature neuroscience home

    • [DOC File]Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

      COUNSELING 544.01 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning -online. Credits: 3. Judith C. Durham, PhD, APRN, NCC, LPC, Cell: 860 716 7266 . e-mail: . Office hours: by appointment: Course Description: This course addresses individual diagnosis from a variety of perspectives: biologic, developmental, cultural and interpersonal. It will provide students with a broad theoretical base for ...

      nat neurosci

    • [DOCX File]

      In earlier research, Moriceau and Sullivan (one of the authors of the current study) discovered a striking fact 4. They gave old and young rats the classic avoidance learning tasks. Surprisingly, young rats would actually explore the negative arm of the maze . more. than the positive arm. The negative cue had led to a shock. But, unlike the ...

      hot topics in neuroscience

    • [DOCX File]

      In this class we review the latest developments in the fields of cognitive neuroscience and psychophysics that are related to these important questions (though often the current research does not directly address them). We focus on the latest articles on attention, vision psychophysics, subjective perception and confidence ratings, etc.

      nature neuro

    • [DOC File]April 7, 2009

      The study appears in the current issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience. “It’s as if there’s a little brain in there that creates this state in which scratching — which normally excites pain cells — instead inhibits them,” said Glenn J. Giesler, a co-author of the study. The same cells that register the itch also are sensitive to pain. “It’s a very important study; itching is ...

      nature neuroscience authors

    • [DOC File]References for topics:

      Some approaching this issue have focused on so-called “what, when, where” learning. We will review the issues, claims, and experiments may relate to assessing whether or not animals have the capacity for mental time travel. If inadequate data currently exist to adjudicate the issue, we will explore what experiments could constitute an adequate test. Each week we shall review 1 or 2 papers ...

      nature neuroscience editor

    • [DOC File]Supplemental Materials

      On the occasions that we did isolate an IPSC, this was immediately apparent by a large outward current during pairing at 0 mV, since IPSCs reverse at holding potentials greater than –70 mV. Such cells were not included in our analysis. For measurement of NMDAR EPSCs, all recordings were done in NBQX to eliminate any AMPA/kainate components of the response and this had the added benefit of ...

      nature neuroscience journal

    • [DOCX File]

      In this special issue, we review current research examining the biological and psychological changes experienced during this important developmental period. Randall W. Engle, 2013. We're so used to seeing adolescence as a problem. But the more we learn about what really makes this period unique, the more adolescence starts to seem like a highly functional, even adaptive period. It's exactly ...

      nature reviews neuroscience

    • [DOC File]

      Smoking can cause permanent damage to adolescent’s developing brains, according to VU university researchers in the latest issue of Nature Neuroscience magazine. It is the first time that the effect of nicotine on adolescent brains has been researched and the results show smoking can ‘lead to cognitive impairments in later life’.

      nature neuroscience home

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