Navy shipboard radars

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      This band is used for high-power U.S. Navy shipborne long-range search radars under footnotes US268 and G2. These radars serve a critical role in defense of the fleet. 902-928

    • [DOC File]Why choose Sonalysts to provide your full service ...

      Dec 27, 2000 · Sonalysts has been developing Navy combat system sensor simulations as an integral portion of individual and team training systems for more than 14 years. These sensor simulations include various types of Naval radars, sonars, sonobuoys, photonics masts (electro-optical periscopes), and electronic warfare sensors designed and developed for ...

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      Radars can provide range and velocity measurements to distinguish high-speed targets from slowly moving false targets and clutter. Radars, however, have difficulty operating in the marine boundary layer against near surface targets due to scattering from the sea surface and ducting in …

    • [DOC File]United States Navy

      Navy Cash is a shipboard banking system that allows users to purchase items in the ship’s store, at the vending machines, and is used in paying for meals aboard.


      4.4 Test team maintenance personnel (submarine, shipboard, and air) conducted evaluations during test missions to assess operational suitability. Maintenance actions for the aviation units were conducted per published maintenance manuals and logged into the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS).

    • [DOC File]Introduction

      Within ten days of Pearl Harbor 79 radars had been installed in Navy ships, including 46 sets with air search capabilities, and more were being fitted at a rate of 14 per week. Anti-air fire control radars, providing accurate range information and moderately good elevation and azimuth for five-inch gunfire, were starting to come off production ...

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