Nejm articles

    • The new england journal medicine

      714 n engl j med 377;8 nejm.orgAugust 24, 2017 The new england journal of medicine R heumatic heart disease is a sequela of acute rheumatic fever,1 which is usu-ally a disease of poverty associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, and other social determinants of poor health.2,3 The near elimina-tion of acute rheumatic fever and reduction in the

    • [PDF File]10 Most Read Articles from the NEJM Clinical Practice Center

      free bonus, “10 Most Read Articles from the NEJM Clinical Practice Center.” These are the exclusive articles your peers viewed and downloaded most this year from the Clinical Practice Center. Each article provides important, clinically relevant information that is useful in everyday practice.

    • [PDF File]NEJM Catalyst In Depth Article Instructions

      NEJM Catalyst In Depth Article Instructions Approximately 4,000 – 10,000 words. Clinical leaders, executives, and clinicians. Conversational but authoritative. NEJM Catalyst In Depth articles are expert and undergo peer review, while still emphasizing reader interest. References should be noted with superscript in the text and included as list at

    • The new england journal medicine

      of this article at, predominantly in the distal colon, where the concentration of free potassium is highest, thus increasing fecal po-tassium excretion and lowering serum potassium levels.11 Here we present the results of a multi-national, single-blind, two-phase study evaluating the safety and efficacy of patiromer in patients

    • Key Features of your Site License — A QUICK GUIDE

      NEJM.ORG IS OPTIMIZED FOR ALL MOBILE DEVICES NEJM LIBRARYHUB is your source for ideas, information, and tools that enable you and your institution to make full use of the rich content and multimedia available with your site license. Includes feature articles on medical librarianship and NEJM Group products and initiatives.


      Back to Table of Contents 2 Notable Articles of 2016 PERSPECTIVE 507 Is Dementia in Decline? n engl j med 374;6 February 11, 2016

    • [PDF File]New England Journal of Medicine

      NEJM Group Announces Jeffrey Drazen, M.D., to Retire Dr. Drazen has led the New England Journal of Medicine since 2000 (Boston, Mass., September 27, 2018) — NEJM Group announced Thursday that Jeffrey M. Drazen, M.D.,

    • [PDF File]Notable Articles of 2018

      Back to Table of Contents 2 Notable Articles of 2018 ne.or Editorial The new england journal of medicine n engl j med 378;1 January 4, 2018 81

    • [PDF File]Celebrating 200 Years at the Forefront of Medicine

      Celebrating 200 Years at the Forefront of Medicine a special collection of review and perspective articles published in 2012 to commemorate the nejm 200th anniversary. The New England Journal of Medicine is a publication of NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society. celebrating 200 years at the forefront of medicine |

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