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    • [DOCX File]SIMBA

      During Penn State’s transition to a new financial system and the high volume of registration requests, the timeframe for supplier approval is 10 business days. Supplier. r. egistration. s. teps: Supplier submits the Supplier Registration Form. The Supplier Registration Tip Sheet (DOCX) or Guide for Individuals (DOCX) is available to help ...

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    • [DOCX File]orientchklst2000

      They have the option of having it appear only to Penn employees by listing it only in the “Penn view” of the Directory.) Given to Payroll Coordinator to process. Business Office Staff needs Computer Account Form. Mail New Hire Paperwork if starting mid-month. Resume on …

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    • [DOC File]Request for UMIS LOGON ID and Related Services

      Request for Administrative Mainframe LOGON ID and Related Services. Logon ID P_____ Part 1 Identification Information Check one: New Change/Add Suspend

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    • [DOC File]Pre-Installation Checklist

      New Penn - To activate production API access to the New Penn servers, email with the site login ID, and request API access for Rating, Pickup, Tracking, Bill of lading, Proof Of Delivery requests from within StarShip." Old Dominion - Account number, user id, password, email address

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      The Penn Bookstore will give a 10% discount and tax exemption with the University PCard. Be sure to tell the cashier that you are using a University PCard before they ring the sale. PaymentNet: PaymentNet is the vehicle for reviewing purchases on a daily basis and printing monthly statements.

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    • [DOC File]FINANCIAL SERVICES CENTER - University of Pennsylvania

      Financial Training. We expect student treasurers to review the Financial Guidelines carefully. Financial training workshops will also be held several times during the year. It is advisable to schedule an appointment with your FA before planning a large event or bringing a speaker or performer to campus to ensure all necessary documentation is ...

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    • [DOCX File]UAO_15-10E_Harrisburg

      Penn State will begin making student aid awards to first-year students in late March. Take part in Penn State’s New Student Orientation, designed to help prepare you for course selection and life as a Penn State student. Orientation has two major components: testing and advising.

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