Northern slaves vs southern slaves

    • [DOC File]North or South - Mrs. Alvarez United States History

      Congress divided over a northern route or a southern route; issue was not settled . before the Civil War. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Allowed popular sovereignty or the people of the territories of Kansas & Nebraska decide if they wanted slavery or not . Dred Scott v. Sandford (Dred Scott Decision 1857) Slaves were not citizens

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      According to him, slaves were naturally inferior beings who need to be taken care of. So slavery is presented as necessary for their survival. The Southern system is thus the best system compared to the Northern capitalist system which exploits its workers.

    • [DOCX File]Mr. Lassiter's History Page

      Why does Sen. Hammond believe southern slaves have a better life than northern “slaves”? Abraham Lincoln – “Address Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural . Society” (1859) 1. Does Lincoln believe that how you make a living is a fixed or permanent condition? Explain. 2. According to Lincoln, in his day did most people (a) work for ...

    • [DOC File]Name

      Scott lost the case and this further separated the Northern and Southern states. Slavery was the foundation of Southern economy and society. The north was effected by the growing abolitionist and universal movement against slavery. White Southerners rejoiced at the decision, which meant that slavery was legal in all the territories.

    • [DOC File]'The 'Mudsill' Theory,' by James Henry Hammond

      Oct 24, 2006 · Why does Sen. Hammond believe slaves exist in the North as well as the South? Who are these "slaves"? Why does Sen. Hammond believe southern slaves have a better life than northern "slaves"? Excerpt of Lincoln's Speech on Free Labor vs. Slave Labor. The world is agreed that labor is the source from which human wants are mainly supplied.

    • [DOC File]Compromises of the Constitution

      Vs. Northern States The . Southern. states wanted to obtain maximum representation but minimum taxation, the Southern states propose that (a) slaves be counted as part of the population for representation in the House of Representatives, and (b) slaves . not. be counted for the purpose of direct taxation by the National government. The . Northern

    • [DOC File]DBQ 10: Causes of the Civil War

      Excerpt from Dred Scott vs. Sanford, Supreme Court decision, 1857 … (T)he legislation and the histories of the times and the language used in the Declaration of Independence, show, that neither… slaves, nor their descendents, whether they had become free or not, were… a part of the people…

    • [DOC File]Tough decisions for eight states

      Lincoln shifted the focus of the war from states’ rights to the freedom of slaves. Lincoln announced a proclamation that the slaves would be freed on 01 January 1863. Freeing the slaves made the USA appear as if it was fighting a righteous cause to end slavery. It made the CSA appear that they were fighting to keep slavery.


      1860 election: Lincoln wins -> split of Northern and Southern Democrats because of Douglas’s failure (the southern candidate, John Breckenridge supported in 11 southern states) THE ABOLITION MOVEMENT. Pennsylvanian Quakers opposed to slavery. 1817: American Colonization Society promoting the liberation of slaves

    • [DOC File]Compromises of the Constitution

      Vs. Northern States The . Southern. states wanted to obtain maximum representation but minimum taxation, the Southern states propose that (a) slaves be counted as part of the population for representation in the House of Representatives, and (b) slaves . not. be counted for the purpose of direct taxation by the National government. The . Northern

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