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      Negotiations between VHA facilities and labor unions representing title 38 employees; . Grievances . filed by or on behalf of title 38 employees under negotiated grievance procedures; Disciplinary actions (other than major adverse actions) in which a title 38 employee’s appeal rights depend upon whether the misconduct was a matter of professional conduct or competence;

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    • [DOC File]1 - Diabetes Institute

      c.* 6-12 weeks. d. 6 months. 6. Which is the best method for home glucose testing? a. Urine testing. b.* Blood testing. c. Both are equally good. 7. What effect does unsweetened fruit juice have on blood glucose? a. Lowers it. b.* Raises it. c. Has no effect. 8. Which should not be used to treat a low blood glucose? a. 3 hard candies. b. 1/2 ...

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    • AT & Consumables Guide

      AT and Consumables Code Guide – valid from 1/12/20191. AT and Consumables Code Guide – valid from 1/12/20198. NDIA Assistive Technology & Consumables Code Guide. Valid from: 1/12/2019. Contents. ... these line items are not removed from the system completely until these plans end. In the first instance, providers should claim or raise ...

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    • [DOC File]New York Mortgage - Freddie Mac

      If, at any time, Lender has not received enough Escrow Funds to make the payments of Escrow Items when the payments are due, Lender may tell me in writing that an additional amount is necessary. I will pay to Lender whatever additional amount is necessary to pay the Escrow Items when the payments are due, but the number of payments will not be ...

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      Mar 01, 2012 · $600 Local Travel: ($.25/mile x 200mi/mo x 12 mos.) For project staff traveling between participating agency locations, client home visits, and program meetings. The increase of $500 to this line item is to cover actual costs of staff travel. Previously, there was not enough money allocated to this line item to cover actual costs of local mileage

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    • [DOC File]Items #1, #2, #3, and #4 … find the equivalent fraction in ...

      Oct 15, 2010 · $1.50. c) $2.16. d) $ 2.64. Which of the following is true? A. If Raul and Julia sell 90 cups of lemonade in 8 hours, they each make $2.00 per hour. B. If Raul and Julia sold 40 cups of lemonade, their profit is enough to pay the lemonade stand fee. C. Raul and Julia do not have to pay a …

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    • [DOC File]Mr. Smith - Chem resources

      1. As you know, a dozen represents 12 items. Since I did not have enough items to make a dozen, I\ decided to make a new counting unit. I called this unit an OWL. Each of your packages contains _____ items. We will call this number of items an OWL. If you understand the concept of OWL as a counting unit, just like a dozen for counting by 12 ...

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    • [DOC File]Chapter 1

      12. 1.4 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION. 12. 1.4.1 Part Number. ... a part number alone is not enough to identify an item since the same number could be assigned to different parts by multiple manufacturers. ... e.g. 5840. A Permanent NICN (P-NICN) is assigned by an ICP or other Navy item manager to items not meeting criteria for NSN assignment, but ...

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    • Google Sites: Sign-in

      Please Label All Items. 1 White, plain, short-sleeve t-shirt (large enough to fit all year) 1 Plastic pencil box. 2 Plastic two-pocket folders with prongs. 1 container of cleaning, antibacterial wipes (i.e. Clorox wipes) 1 box of tissues. 14 glue sticks. 1 pair of headphones or earbuds in a ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name on the bag.

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    • [DOCX File]Prohibited Items, Items That Often Require Pre-Purchase ...

      Prohibited Items, Items That Often Require Pre-Purchase Approval, and Fiscal Law Issues. Prohibited Items. Cash advances-Money orders, travelers’ checks, and gift certificates are also considered to be cash advances and will not be purchased by Cardholders, even to obtain items from merchants who do not accept the GPC.

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