Not fully understood synonym

    • [DOC File]Top line of doc

      The new rail line could not be built as long as the pipelines remained in place. ... (and perhaps implicitly on mootness). Here, by contrast, the Commission’s dismissal of its breach of contract did not fully compensate it for its claimed injury. ... 53 Cal.App. 188 understood as founded upon the limited power granted to a charter city around ...

      another way to say understood

    • [DOC File]8/28/00 1:08:37 PMEPISTEMOLOGY DEHUMANIZED 4

      This should not be understood as signifying some reductivistic conception of existence itself as a merely logico-linguistic matter. Rather it is to be interpreted in practical terms: to determine what the ontological commitments of a scientific theory are it is necessary to examine the predicates holding of the bound variables used in its ...

      another word for understood

    • Not Well Understood synonyms - 31 Words and Phrases for ...

      B. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. C. Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

      another word for not understood

    • [DOC File]Introduction to EME1

      Mental state terms are not used as such until at least two and a half years of age (Shatz, Wellman, & Silber, 1983; Furrow, Moore, Davidge & Chiasson, 1992) and are not fully distinguished from one another in comprehension until around age 4 (see e.g., Johnson & …

      not easily understood synonym

    • [DOCX File]

      Some poetry must be heard to be fully understood. How to conduct a close reading: Look over the poem. How does the title lead you into the poem? Read the poem to yourself to get a feel for it. Then read it again—looking up any words that you do not completely understand or that you question (Why is that particular word or phase used?).

      clearly understood synonym

    • [DOC File]SECTION 1

      This document is intended to define the philosophical underpinnings of the proposed methodology, clearly define and tease out the subtle meanings of terms that are commonly used but often not fully understood, and to identify the key elements that must be part …

      fully understand synonym

    • [DOC File]English 10 Literary Terms - Short Story

      It would not be subjective. The term “subjective” should not be understood as a synonym of “mental” or “mentalistic.” Quine(s rejection of Cartesian epistemology on …

      not as full

    • [DOC File]UPX Material

      a hint that is fully understood only in retrospect after the reader discovers more information later in the plot. The term does not simply mean an omen or an explicit prediction of something that will happen later. Foreshadowing is always a noun; foreshadow is a verb. motivation: the reasons an author establishes for a character’s actions.

      another word for well understood

    • [DOC File]Ontology and Information Systems

      The creation of a united kingdom of England was begun by Alfred’s successors, and not fully achieved before the eleventh century; but many essential foundations had been laid. Much of this was due to the unique personality of Alfred. But he was helped by some of the tendencies of the situation; and also, paradoxically, by the Danes themselves.

      another way to say understood

    • [DOC File]Subjects:

      The term “evidence” or any variant thereof, including, but not limited to, the term ''evidencing,'' when applied to the content of any document, shall be understood to apply if the document directly or indirectly mentions, discusses, constitutes, concerns, supports, contradicts, refers to or in any other way deals with the subject matter ...

      another word for understood

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