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    • [DOC File]Learning Styles - I-TECH


      Four Categories of Learning Experiences or Styles. Doer: Likes to be actively involved in the learning process, wants to know how he or she will apply learning in the real world, likes information presented clearly and concisely.

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    • [DOC File]Chapter 28 – Popular Culture in the 1920s


      Credit is an arrangement for buying something now with borrowed money and then paying off the loan over time. In the past, most Americans had thought it shameful to borrow money to buy consumer goods. Thrifty people saved the money they needed and paid cash. By the 1920s, however, such thrift began to seem old-fashioned.

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      Rated “4 Beans” by the local press, this authentic Italian cuisine is prepared in an intimate country setting. Semolina’s 985-641-3456. 1503 Gause Blvd., Slidell, Louisiana. Pastas of the world including Indian, Thai, Spanish, Chicago and Italian delicacies. Southside Café 985-643-6133. 3154 Pontchartrain Drive, Slidell, Louisiana

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    • [DOC File]International Literature Today [181:191]


      Yes, in ways, I am my old self – part woman part child – strolling round the coast, between the girl peeping and the old woman who sleeps sitting up. Whatever persona I take on, the identity from which I write will, naturally, always be that of a woman and eternal girl (I hope).

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    • [DOC File]List 6: History Literature - Recommended Literature (CA ...


      Favorite Poems Old and New (“A Song of Greatness”). Grade(s): 5. Austin, Mary (Translator). Favorite Poems Old and New (“The Grass on the Mountain”). Grade(s): 4. Ayars, James. We Hold These Truths: From the Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights. Grade(s): 8. Azarian,Mary. Farmer's Alphabet, A. Grade(s): K. Bahree, Patricia. Hindu World ...

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    • [DOCX File]Enriching Ideas .com


      old pyramids and the new cities are an example of contrast. The cool mountains are in contrast to the warm beaches. The fancy restaurants are very different from the simple street food vendors. Enriching Ideas. Authors of all kinds use language to enrich or support the ideas they are trying to express.

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    • [DOC File]No Name Woman – by Maxine Hong Kingston


      She got to her feet to fight better and remembered that old-fashioned women gave birth in their pigsties to fool the jealous, pain-dealing gods, who do not snatch piglets. Before the next spasms could stop her, she ran to the pigsty, each step a rushing out into emptiness. She climbed over the fence and knelt in …

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