One fact about each planet

    • Interesting Facts About The Planets - Universe Today

      Give each group reference materials and a copy of the attached Planet Data Table. Allow groups to work together to fill in the table. When students are done with their charts, have each group create a physical model of our solar system, focusing on the order of the planets and the different sizes of the planets.

      fun facts about each planet

    • [DOCX File]Background Information - Virginia Department of Education …

      (circle one) Other. Add one more fact for each planet Mercury. 4, 879 km 0.39 AU -184 C to 427 C No atmosphere Heavy craters. Large volcanic rock Supports life. Cannot support life. Why? Either no oxygen and/or liquid water. No moons. Cold AND Hot planet Venus. 12,104 km 0.72 AU 465 C Carbon dioxide Craters. Volcanoes Supports life. Cannot ...

      5 facts about each planet for kids


      Students will create their mobiles in the correct order the planets order around the sun as well as include one fact about each planet, receiving a score of 3 out of 4 on the rubric created. Independent Practice. After studying the basic facts of the solar system, students will be given a worksheet where they have to cut and paste the planets ...

      cool facts about the planets

    • [DOCX File]The Solar System- A Third Grade Unit - Home

      Have each of the groups share the gathered information about each planet. Have each group briefly share about the planet surface features. Next, have each group briefly share about the size of their planet (each planet’s relative size compared to that of Earth is included in “Planet Data Sheet 2” on the excel file).

      10 facts about each planet

    • [DOC File]

      Apr 29, 2011 · I suggest you make more than one copy of the presentation and have more than one group member keep a copy. As the groups present their planet you are to complete a table of facts about each planet. Groups will be graded on a predetermined rubric (refer to back of paper). Project is due: May 11th- B-Day ( Periods 6 and 8) and 2nd period

      two facts about each planet

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