Optic nerve elevation icd 10

    • [DOC File]A


      ICD-9 Code(s):_____ ... Eyes Inspect conjunctivae and lids Exam pupils and irises Ophthalmoscopic exam of optic discs and posterior segments ENT External inspection of ears and nose ... appearance (eg, atrophy, cupping, tumor elevation) and nerve fiber layer. Posterior segments including retina and vessels (eg, exudates and hemorrhages) ENT ...

      unspecified optic neuropathy icd 10

    • [DOC File]ICHD-II


      This means that some headache subtypes are not uniquely coded under the ICD-10NA system but the most appropriate ICD-10NA code has in each case been attached to the ICHD-II code. The basic construct of each chapter in the second edition of The International Classification of Headache Disorders is the same as for the first edition.

      large optic nerve icd 10

    • [DOC File]New York State Department of Health


      [ ] 377.23 - Optic nerve coloboma (bilateral), Acquired [ ] 743.57 - Optic nerve coloboma (bilateral), Congenital ... B. Indicate Diagnostic Condition and ICD Code(s) below if eligible due to delay or if different from above. ... He also demonstrates poor tongue tip elevation (usually present by 9 months of age). Clinical observation of ...

      optic nerve abnormality icd 10

    • [DOC File]VA.gov Home | Veterans Affairs


      10. Optic neuropathy and other disc conditions . a. Indicate optic neuropathy and other disc conditions, and eye affected: (check all that apply) ... Implanted automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) ICD code: _____ Date of diagnosis: _____ ... Does the Veteran have a history of a diastolic BP elevation to predominantly 100 or ...

      optic nerve edema icd 10

    • Massachusetts

      Optic disc: Specified anomalies / hypoplastic optic nerve / coloboma of the optic disc 743520 10. Retina: Specified anomalies / congenital retinal aneurysm 743510 2. Vitreous humor: Specified anomalies (includes PHPV) 743500 2. Ear. Microtia, Bilateral 744214 1. Microtia, Left 744211 4. Microtia, Right 744212 15. Absence or stricture of ...

      icd 10 optic nerve disorder

    • [DOC File]Appendix B to Part 4 - Veterans Affairs


      Appendix B to Part 4 — Numerical Index of Disabilities. Diagnostic Code No. THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM. Acute, Subacute, or Chronic Diseases. 5000.....

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