Oregon landmarks and historic sites

    • [DOC File]Oregon SHPO Clearance Form for Built Environment


      OREGON SHPO CLEARANCE FORM. Do not use this form for ODOT or Federal Highway projects or to record archaeological sites. 1 Oregon State Historic Preservation Office Page . Revised 2/18/2014. OREGON SHPO CLEARANCE FORM. CONTINUATION SHEET. Do not use this form for ODOT, Federal Highway projects or to record archaeological sites

      california historic sites and landmarks

    • 13 Amazing Historical Landmarks In Oregon

      OREGON SHPO CLEARANCE FORM. Do not use this form for ODOT or Federal Highway projects or to record archaeological sites. 1 Oregon State Historic Preservation Office Page . Revised 9/1/2012. OREGON SHPO CLEARANCE FORM. CONTINUATION SHEET. Do not use this form for ODOT, Federal Highway projects or to record archaeological sites

      georgia historic sites and landmarks

    • [DOC File]http://www


      NHL. See National Historic Landmarks. NHPA. See National Historic Preservation Act. NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology "No effect" justification cover letter, 2(1): Non-profit institutions. See Professional and non-profit institutions. Northwest/Arctic Region Historic Preservation (brochure), 1(3):3.1.1, 1(3):3.4.1 ...

      national historic sites and landmarks

    • [DOC File]CINDEX Index - General Services Administration


      These official Web sites provide up-to-the-minute information about all representatives and senators. Discuss Virginia’s current members of Congress, including the party to which they belong and when they were elected. If possible, show students some of these persons’ official Congressional Web sites and the kinds of information found there.

      wisconsin historic sites and landmarks



      The Theme Study shall identify, evaluate, and nominate as national historic landmarks those sites, buildings, and structures that best illustrate or commemorate the period in American history from 1941 to 1946 when Japanese Americans were ordered to be detained, relocated, or excluded pursuant to Executive Order Number 9066, and other actions.

      montana historic sites and landmarks

    • [DOCX File]Southern Oregon University Library


      There are more than 1,000 historic buildings and archaeological sites within the CRGNSA. There are many historic landmarks. Some prominent landmarks include: Historic Columbia River Highway 30, Broughton Flume, Horsethief State Park pictographs and petroglyphs, Multnomah Falls Lodge, Vista House, Beacon Rock, Eagle Creek Recreation Area ...

      idaho historic sites and landmarks

    • [DOC File]To establish the Manzanar National Historic Site in the ...


      Bothell Register of Historic Landmarks Nomination Form (Revised 7/28/2020) 2 1 5 . Title: NPS Form 10 900 OMB No. 1024 0018 Subject: 02/02/09 Author: Jeff Joeckel Description: NR form 10-900 based on template created by Oregon SHPO Last modified by: Sarah Desimone Created Date: 7/28/2020 11:22:00 PM Company: National Register of Historic Places ...

      pennsylvania historic sites and landmarks



      Item 12: National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for the Oregon Caves Historic District . Item 13: Various photocopied photos of Timberline Lodge in black and white. Item 14: Summary of the National Historic Landmarks Criteria for Evaluation, December 4th, 1992

      florida historic sites and landmarks

    • NPS Form 10 900 OMB No. 1024 0018

      Organize it into frameworks (“historic contexts”) that aid in identifying, evaluating, and nominating sites as National Historic Landmarks. Clarify boundaries of properties already designated. Develop and refine data for use by public agencies and others to preserve and commemorate sites. Make the findings widely available. Historic Contexts

      california historic sites and landmarks

    • [DOCX File]www.fs.usda.gov


      Name 10 Oregon Trail landmarks. Historic Sites Along the Trail. 20. Label 10 of Oregon’s counties on the map. Oregon Blue Book Counties Home Page. 21. Name the state symbols of Oregon. State Symbols of Oregon. 22. Name 8 explorers. Zoom Explorers. 23. Name 8 Civil War battlefields. Civil War Battlefields & information. Civil War battlefields ...

      georgia historic sites and landmarks

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