Oregon public schools website

    • [DOCX File]MFMC Distance Learning Guidance by Lesson - Oregon


      My Future-My Choice (MFMC) Guidance for Distance Learning . In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of all Oregon public schools, the Oregon Department of Human Services’ My Future-My Choice program has created the following guidance document which outlines recommendations and lesson adaptations to support MFMC delivery via distance …

      portland public schools oregon

    • [DOCX File]State of Oregon : Oregon.gov Home Page : State of Oregon


      The Oregon Department of Education’s Response. To. Recommendations 1 and 2. The Oregon Secretary of State’s Audit 2019-01. January 2019. Oregon Department of Education. Portland Public Schools. ODE and PPS Must Do More to Monitor Spending and Address Systemic Obstacles to Student Performance, Particularly at Struggling Schools . Revised Dec ...

      portland public schools oregon jobs

    • [DOC File]My Future My Choice Opt-Out Letter


      INSERT YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT OR SCHOOL NAME HERE will be delivering the My Future-My Choice curriculum in the INSERT GRADE HERE to meet Oregon’s health education requirements. My Future-My Choice is a skills-based, comprehensive, age-appropriate, and medically accurate sexual health education program.

      oregon public schools closed

    • [DOC File]Oregon Application for School Improvement Funds (MS WORD)


      Oregon is committed to having schools that demonstrate opportunities for learning to all students. The Title I A Section 1003 (g) School Improvement Funds will help continue the current Statewide System of Support to increase services for Oregon Schools in …

      state of oregon website

    • [DOC File]Oregon Part B Verification Visit Letter, Dated January 14 ...


      Superintendent of Public Instruction. Oregon Department of Education. 225 Capital Street NE. Salem, Oregon 97310-0203. Dear Superintendent Castillo: ... (an annual report to the legislature on Oregon Public Schools); and (7) information from the State’s website. ...

      oregon public school closures

    • [DOCX File]Ashwood Elementary School


      If the district, education service district, or public charter school does conduct lead testing of drinking water, an Oregon Health Authority accredited lab must be used for all testing. The Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority recommend that all school districts and childcare facilities test for lead in school water ...

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