Other words for low quality

    • [PDF File]The Interaction Between Quality Control and Production


      Table 1 shows the cash flows for this and two other cutoff choices. Notice that the quality control decision does not depend on the opportunity cost, ξ,since the same cost is incurred in all scenarios. When prices are low, so that medium and low quality material cannot pay for their respective processing costs, the optimal cutoff is high.

      other words for low

    • [PDF File]Word Choice Reference for Describing Performance


      Lack of commitment to job, unconcerned with quality or product/service, disinterested in current assignments, frequent references to job dissatisfaction, low energy level, needs frequent prodding to initiate activities or complete tasks. Reaction To Stress. Can be depended upon when deadlines pressures intensify, able to remain calm and effective despite irritation or changes in plans and ...

      other words for quality work

    • [PDF File]Leader–Member Exchange Theory Final distribute.


      tionship between the quality of leader–member relationships and citizen-ship behaviors. In other words, followers who had higher-quality relationships with their leaders were more likely to engage in more discre - tionary (positive “payback”) behaviors that benefited the leader and the organization.

      other words for quality control

    • [PDF File]Is More Information Better? The Effects of “Report Cards ...


      high-quality counterparts, because on relatively healthy patients they have almost as good outcomes. In other words, low-quality providers pool with their high-quality counterparts. Finally, even if risk adjustment were correct in expectation terms but incomplete—that is, …

      other words for quality assurance

    • [PDF File]List of adjectives describing personal qualities


      Other words that may be used: serious, amusing, refined, cultured, euphemistic, resolute, ... (N.B. It is preferable not to use these words singly but rather in phrases or sentences where a combination of two or more of these words may given a more vivid description.) COMMENTS … has a positive attitude towards his studies. He has a strong sense of responsibility and strives hard to do his ...

      different words for quality


      The quality factor aims to reflect the performance of companies with durable business models and sustainable competitive advantages. This is achieved by targeting companies that tend to have high ROE, stable earnings, and strong balance sheets with low financial leverage. Institutional investors consider quality for additional sources of return

      what is another word for quality

    • [PDF File]Tools and


      In other words, to ensure quality you must meet the needs of the stakeholder. Meeting or exceeding requirements, on the other hand, is not part of project quality management. According to the PMBOK® Guide, quality is “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.” The

      word for good quality

    • [PDF File]Voice Quality - Stanford University


      Yay, Voice Quality These acoustic characteristics are part of voice quality. Voice quality can also trick us into being bad at other tasks: – We are not great at identifying absolute pitch. – Two speakers producing the same absolute pitch can sound like they are producing different pitches, due …

      other words for quality

    • [PDF File]Selecting Indicators for the Quality of Mental Health Care ...


      Richard Hermann, Center for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health, Tufts University, US, was the chair of the OECD Mental Health Care Panel. Soeren Mattke, OECD Secretariat, was convenor of the panel and a co-author of this report. The remaining members of the OECD Mental Health

      other words for low

    • [PDF File]Strategic Management Assignment


      of quality parity or proximity with other firms that have defined the standards of product quality valued by customers. Advantages of Low-Cost Strategies The appeal of the low-cost leadership strategy is based on the strong relationship that appears to exist between high market share, and high profitability. Numerous studies have found that firms

      other words for quality work

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