Pa school district business managers

    • [DOC File]SAMPLE EVALUATION FORM #1 - Perelman School of Medicine

      Title: SAMPLE EVALUATION FORM #1 Author: tinac2 Last modified by: XP-SPRING Created Date: 9/8/2009 1:56:00 PM Company: University of Pennsylvania Other titles

      school business manager jobs

    • [DOC File]87 Transportation (Department of)

      District 4-0 IT Coordinator. Antosh Joseph 570/963-3501. District 5-0 IT Coordinator. Ross Brian 610/871-4444. District 6-0 IT Coordinator. Trentes Brian 610/205-6951. District 8-0 IT Coordinator. Pressley Heather 705-2915. District 9-0 IT Coordinator. Sekerak Brenda 814/696-7285. District 10-0 IT Coordinator. Podratsky David 724/357-2534 ...

      school business manager job description


      Business Managers Report . Ms. Dean had no updates to report regarding revenues from the state. The Business Office is working on end of the year projects such as insurance renewals and bid items. She also told the board about the property and the recommendation to sell it via sealed bid. An agenda item has been added for this purpose. April 27 ...

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    • [DOC File]Functional Annexes - PEMA

      Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, School Secretary/Office Staff Maintain inventory. Maintain essential records (and copies of records) including school’s insurance policy. Ensure redundancy of records (records are kept at a different physical location).

      school business administrator job description

    • [DOCX File]October Staff Data Set

      Use a generic code of 0000 for LEA administrators assigned to district offices, who do not work directly with students. Some examples are superintendents, curriculum coordinators, business managers, home and school visitors, etc.

      school business manager salary

    • [DOC File]Sample School EOP 2017 - PEMA

      The School District is required to provide a continuum of efforts to prevent, plan and practice to prepare for a variety of potential incidents and hazards. Our District and School plans must be aligned with best practices and recommendations from. Homeland Security . US Department of Education. State and Local Emergency Management Offices

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    • [DOC File]Muncy School District

      The Muncy School District Board of Directors held their regular monthly public meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Muncy Junior/Senior High School Library, 200 West Penn Street, Muncy, PA 17756 Present were: Vice President Mary Bennardi, Treasurer Carla Auten, Danielle Baum, Brian Krah, Scott McLean, William Schneck, Lisa Sleboda, and Robert Titman.


    • [DOC File]Community & Economic Development (Department of)

      Small Business Advocate. 300 North Second Street, Suite 202 Commerce Building, Harrisburg 17101. FAX 783-2831 Main Phone Number 783-2525. Small Business Advocate. Evans John 783-2525. Deputy Small Business Advocate. Vacant. 783-2525. Executive Director Wagner Teresa Reed 783-2617. Assistant Small Business Advocates. Gray Steven 783-2525. Webb ...

      school district business manager salary

    • [DOC File] - Allegheny Intermediate Unit

      Homestead, PA 15120-1144. 412-394-5700. Executive Director: Rosanne Javorsky. ... School administrators, including superintendents, business managers and others, regularly attend AIU-hosted events and workshops. ... For school and district administrators, and other educators seeking leadership roles: Provides leaders with the ability to access ...

      school business manager jobs

    • [DOC File]Point of Dispensing (POD) Site Plan - Template

      RDS/LDS Managers/Leads: (Local manager/leader and back-up staff for each RDS/LDS should be listed in the SNS Plan with their contact information. Contacts should not overlap with lead positions identified in 2.2 or those expected to staff POD sites. These individuals should be those expected to physically work at the RDS/LDS.

      school business manager job description

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