Parts of a computer system

    • Computer Software Worksheet

      A. a proposed system is attainable, given the existing technology. B. the systems manager can coordinate and control the activities of the systems department. C. an adequate computer site exists for the proposed system. D. the proposed system will produce …

      all parts of a computer

    • The Three Major Components of a Computer System - TurboFutur…

      Name the main parts of a computer. List some of the uses of these parts. Worksheets 1.2. Colour the parts of the computer. Monitor in Orange, CPU in Blue, Keyboard in Green and Mouse in Red [change mouse pic ] 2. Identify the parts of the computer and circle them. CPU Key Rat PUC Board. Keyboard Mouse Blackboard Phone Speaker

      parts of a desktop pc

    • [DOCX File]Topic: Parts of a Computer and the Computer System

      Hardware and software are the two basic parts of a computer system. Hardware - any part of a computer system you can touch. Software - a set of electronic instructions that tell a compute what to do. Peripheral - Any piece of hardware attached to a computer. How Computer Work. A computer collects, processes, stores and outputs information ...

      major parts of a computer

    • [DOCX File]CIS 50: Computing and Information Technology

      Computer studies Dr. Onunga and Renu Shah Page 1-2. 2-3. PHYSICAL PARTS OF A COMPUTER. By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to. State and explain various physical parts of a computer. Through question and answer list parts of a Computer. Through brainstorming, explain various parts of a computer. A working personal computer

      components of the computer system


      What kind of computer setup do you have? What are the components of the computers in the computer lab (building 800, room 803)? Do you know all the options available and what is the function of the different components of your system? In Module 1/Unit 3: Hardware, you will review the computer’s basic parts.

      different parts of a computer

    • [DOC File]Computer Hardware - Santa Fe College

      Teacher states and shows the basic parts of computer. Step 3: Teacher spells each of the basic parts of computer and the pupils follow the teacher. Step 4: Teacher shows the basic parts of computer through the CD-ROM. Pupil’s Activity (10 min) Teacher gives out the classwork sheet and explains to the pupils on how to do it. BASIC PARTS OF ...

      5 basic components of a computer


      Computer Software: Notes: _____ _____ _____ Software Definition List Two Examples Word Processing Spreadsheet Presentation Database Drawing Educational Communication Label the components of the computer: Label the storage and the processing devices in the computer:

      parts of pc

    • [DOC File]Lesson 2: Parts of Computer and their Uses

      The parts of a computer system. The basic parts of a computer (hardware) Common peripheral devices used with computers. How to turn a computer on and off. Pre and Post Self-Assessment. Table Pre and Post Self-Assessment for Parts of a Computer. Pre. Pre. Post. Post. Yes, I know this.

      what are the components of a computer

    • [DOC File]Teacher Name - Introduction to Basic Computer

      The term hardware refers to the tangible parts of a computer system, that is, the physical equipment of the computer. A keyboard, disk drive, and monitor are examples of computer hardware. (Software is discussed later.) Understanding the various physical components of a computer system will help you understand how the system works as a whole.

      all parts of a computer

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