Performance and development goals

    • [DOC File]Sample PGP goals .us

      Student Performance Goals Anatomy of SMART Goal Specific Measurable Attainable and Achievable Realistic and Relevant Timely By 2011, all students in grades K-12 will improve performance on the OAT/ OGT and local assessments by ____ % each year in reading.Reading X % of all students in grades K-12

      supervisor goals performance and development

    • [DOCX File]United States Department of the Interior

      The purpose of performance evaluations is to support attainment of the college’s goals and objectives. In order to do this, the supervisor and employee review the employee’s performance and development needs. The performance evaluation is also a time to identify and acknowledge an employee’s successes and achievements.

      developmental goals for employees

    • [DOC File]Examples of SMART District Goals and Complete Plan ...

      OFM 12-012 (2/20/13) Performance & Development Plan EvaluationPage 2. OFM 12-015 (2/20/13) Performance & Development Plan ExpectationsPage 1. Performance and Development Plan (PDP) ... and how do the duties and responsibilities of this position link or contribute to the achievement of the mission goals, and objectives of the organization? ...

      examples of good performance goals

    • [DOC File]Performance Appraisal Template - ASU Management

      Goals: The employee and the supervisor should develop goals together. The IDP should connect the employee’s career interests with the organizational mission and priorities. The most common goals of an IDP are to: Learn new skills to improve current job performance . Maximize performance in support of organizational requirements

      examples of performance goals

    • [DOCX File]Performance and Development Plan Expectations

      Instructions: The Performance Development Plan (PDP) is an employee development tool that should be designed as a collaborative effort between the employee and supervisor. It should be based on the strengths and opportunities noted in the performance evaluation, as well as career goals the employee has discussed with their supervisor.

      sample employee development plan goals

    • How to Write Performance Goals | Examples

      Part 2: Training & Development Needs/Opportunities. What training and development needs and opportunities should the employee focus on during this performance period? Part 3: Organizational Support (Optional) Part 3 is optional and to be completed . only by the employee, at the beginning of the performance period.

      sample work performance goals

    • [DOCX File]Microsoft Word - Performance Evaluation.doc

      Sample Professional Growth Goals. Each goal and action plan together should answer the following questions. The goal samples that follow include reference to the actions to be taken in order to meet the goal. What professional development will help me accomplish my SLG? (D:4)

      development goals for employees examples

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