Persistent cough with phlegm

    • [DOCX File]

      See your health care provider if the cold is accompanied by the signs of a bacterial infection, such as persistent cough or a cough that produces yellow or green phlegm, high fever (102 degrees or above), pain in the ears, sinus or chest, or severe sore throat. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics.

      coughing up white phlegm

    • Reasons for Coughing With Constant Phlegm | Healthfully

      You have had a persistent cough for 1 month; 2 weeks ago, cough worsened and was accompanied by phlegm. You have had a fever of about 100˚ F for one week. You had some weight loss but you do not know the exact amount . Three years ago, you had a positive TB skin test; chest x-ray was negative.

      constantly coughing up phlegm

    • Since January 1993, the Massachusetts Department of Public ...

      Feeling of mucus, phlegm or catarrh in throat Bad taste in mouth or bad breath. Persistent tickly cough Intermittent hoarse voice. However, if you or your GP feel that your presentation is unusual, and certainly if the following “red flag” symptoms/risk factors are present, then referral to an ENT surgeon for a thorough examination is advised.

      chronic cough with mucus

    • [DOC File]Wildfire Smoke - University of Washington

      ( I usually cough up phlegm History of Shortness of Breath. If checked, please check color of phlegm ( more in the morning (White (Yellow (Green (Brown (Rusty ( More at night. These things in my environment trigger coughing: ( I am short of breath when walking

      coughing up mucus


      No Moderate Severe Persistent Cough phlegm Contains blood Vomit No Nausea Little Much Alike coffee grounds Contains blood Faeces Normal Lumpy Soft Diarrea Tar black Contains blood Urine Normal Scanty Excessive Pain in urethra Contains blood Bleeding Location No Minor Moderate Heavy ...

      persistent cough with phlegm treatment


      In addition, airborne particles are respiratory irritants, and laboratory studies show that high concentrations of particulate matter cause persistent cough, phlegm, wheezing and physical discomfort in …

      persistent cough with white phlegm

    • [DOC File]Information for the Simulated Patient - Global TB Center

      persistent phlegm. with no response to medications -- this is an overshoot response of the airway lining from the frequent irritation. A subgroup of such patients may come apparently feeling ‘better’ because there is ‘ no more phlegm’.

      cough with mucus

    • [DOC File]Cold and Flu

      The patient, a 41-year old non-smoking maintenance worker at a nylon flock manufacturer in Massachusetts, initially presented to his primary care physician approximately 6 years ago with a persistent cough. He was diagnosed with new onset of asthma and treated with a metered dose beta-agonist inhaler without significant improvement.

      constantly coughing up clear mucus


      Chronic bronchitis is not necessarily caused by infection and is generally part of a syndrome called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Chronic bronchitis is defined clinically as a persistent cough that produces phlegm and mucus, for at least three months in two consecutive years.

      coughing up white phlegm

    • [DOC File]Uppgifter för maskinregister - Sjöfartsverket

      ( ) Persistent cough ( ) Coughing phlegm ( ) Coughing blood ( ) Rapid heartbeat ( ) Heart problems ( ) Lung problems ( ) Varicose veins ( ) High blood pressure. I understand and agree that health and accident insurance policies are an arrangement between an insurance carrier and myself. Furthermore, I understand that the Doctor’s office will ...

      constantly coughing up phlegm

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