Peta animal testing companies

    • [DOC File]Jennifer Hickman

      PCPC History on Animal Testing. Nearly all the companies who constitute PCPC’s membership base have and/or still do test their products on animals. It is not surprising that on the PCPC website, under “The Animal Rights Movement,” they see the animal testing …

      peta animal testing list

    • [DOCX File]

      But animal testing is also torture and suffering to the animals that are being tested on.Animal testing is experimenting with animals to help companies test their products, many animals are being injured or …

      animal testing articles peta

    • [DOC File]Companies That Don't Test On Animals

      Companies might have changed their animal testing policies after this edition was printed. This guide is based on the most current information available at the time of printing. PETA reserves the right to choose which companies will be included, based on companies…

      peta alternatives to animal testing

    • [DOCX File]The Future Decay of Cosmetic Animal Testing

      Animal testing for cosmetics is a cruel, outdated, and unnecessary process that needs to come to an end. Cosmetic companies’ methods of animal testing have not changed much since they “were first …

      peta animal testing

    • [DOCX File]

      The animal rights group Friends of Animals has announced a boycott of travelling to Alaska because of the Alaskan Government’s decision to allow wolf hunting. You can sign a petition and pledge your support here. Animal Testing A number of companies …

      peta animal testing list


      The list does not include companies that manufacture only products that are required by law to be tested on animals (e.g., pharmaceuticals, automotive and garden chemicals, food additives, etc.). While PETA is opposed to all animal testing, our quarrel in this matter is with the regulatory agencies that require animal testing.

      animal testing articles peta

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