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      FIG. 1, Theoretical data, denoted by ## [J.M. Smith, Phys. Rev. B 23, 1 (1982)]. A footnote can be included in a list immediately after a table: aJ.M. Smith, Phys. Rev. B 23, 1 (1982). K. Tables have very exacting specifications for their form and function. Refer to the Physical Review

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      APPENDIX: JOURNAL TITLE ABBREVIATIONS 21 2 Physical Review Style and Notation Guide. Physical Review Style and Notation Guide I. INTRODUCTION This notation guide represents a compendium of gen- ... [A. B. Smith, Phys. Rev. A 26, 107 (1982)]. Displayed equations and tabular material are discour-aged. De ne all nonstandard symbols and abbreviations.

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