Physiological effects of marijuana

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 16: Drugs and Crime - Online Resources

      antisocial side effects with marijuana use include reduced motivation, short-term memory loss and withdrawal from relationships. Some health care providers have observed that people who smoke on a daily basis get out of touch with reality, have memory problems and cannot see the destruction they are causing themselves and their families.

      positive physiological effects of marijuana

    • [DOC File]3

      Physiological effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure as well as dilation of the bronchioles (breathing tubes) in the lungs.

      long term marijuana effects psychological

    • [DOCX File]Contents

      Marijuana itself was not significantly regulated by the Federal Government until 1937 when accounts of marijuana's addictive qualities and physiological effects, paired with dissatisfaction with enforcement efforts at state and local levels, prompted Congress to …

      scientific studies on marijuana effects

    • Psychological and Physical Effects of Marijuana | Pyramid Healthcare

      Common effects include dry mouth, some loss of coordination & balance, slower reaction times, some mental confusion. An acute dose of cannabis can produce adverse reactions from mild anxiety to panic.

      physical effects of marijuana include

    • [DOC File]Briefs and Other Related Documents

      “Illegal drug” means any substance, other than alcohol, having psychological and/or physiological effects on a human being and that is not a prescription or nonprescription medication, including controlled dangerous substances and controlled substance analogs or volatile substances which produce the psychological and/or physiological ...

      physical and psychological effects marijuana

    • [DOC File]University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point

      Physiological effects include elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and dilated pupils. Sensory effects include perceptual distortions that vary with dose, setting, and mood. Psychic effects include disorders of thought associated with time and space.

      physiological responses to smoking

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