Plural noun words

    • [DOC File]NOUNS

      To make a noun plural, add –s. if the noun ends in an unstressed vowel. For example: madre ( madres, día ( días. Add –es. if the noun ends in a consonant or a stressed vowel. For example: papel ( papeles, tabú ( tabúes. If a noun ends in “z,” change the “z” to “c” before adding –es. For example: lápiz ( lápices.

      list of plural words

    • [DOC File]Unit 1: Parts of Speech

      Nouns: Singular, Plural, and Collective. A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea, and a plural noun names more than one. Most plural nouns are formed by adding –s to the singular form. Words that end in ch, sh, s, x, or z form the plural by adding –es.

      singular and plural nouns worksheet

    • [DOC File]QUIZ 6A, 6B: Singular and Plural Nouns

      Title: QUIZ 6A, 6B: Singular and Plural Nouns Author: Keith Pluas Last modified by: Sue Van Etten Created Date: 6/24/2008 9:42:00 PM Category: Basic English Grammar Chapter 6

      singular noun words


      The Swedish word ‘moral’ = ‘morals’ (plural) People say/says it is good for children to have pets. The words people, police, cattle are collective nouns. They take the plural. The only time ‘people’ can take the singular is when it means ‘folkslag, nation’. A police officer often has/have to work on weekends. ‘Police’ = plural.

      words that are singular and plural

    • [DOC File]More Practice with Possessive Nouns

      The word noun means a person, place, or thing. A . common noun. is a general word. A . proper noun. is a name. Person Place Thing Common. Noun woman city car manager supermarket soup Proper . Noun Diane Avondale Porsche Mr. Smith Food City Campbell’s Soup Common nouns. can be . singular. or . plural. To make most nouns plural, an “s ” is ...

      singular and plural word list

    • [DOCX File]Weekly Homework Sheet

      Write the two words that make the contraction. won’t _____ she’ll _____ Write the contraction. should not _____ they are _____ Write the two words that make the contraction. ... Fill in the missing plural noun. one . goose. two . geese. Fill in the missing plural noun. My . feet (foot) are so cold. The base . …

      plural noun words list

    • [DOC File]Nouns & Pronouns

      Plural Noun Possessive Plural Noun the boys the boys’ hangout those kids those kids’ shoes my bosses my bosses’ offices If a plural noun does NOT end in s, add an apostrophe s. Plural Noun Possessive Plural Noun the women the women’s restroom my children my children’s toys the deer the deer’s food A . collective noun

      plural noun examples

    • [DOC File]What is a Noun

      A . noun. is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or abstract idea. Noun Plurals. Most nouns change their form to indicate . number. by adding "-s" or " …

      list of plural nouns

    • [DOC File]Nouns

      - add an ‘s to a singular noun = the dog’s leash. add only an ‘ to a plural noun that ends in s – winners’ medals. add an ‘s to a plural noun that doesn’t end in s = children’s books. When writing with nouns – use . strong, specific. nouns instead of weak, generalized nouns. Don’t write = …

      list of plural words

    • [DOC File]Plural forms of Nouns - Practical Course of English

      1. The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s. snake = snakes, ski = skis, Barrymore = Barrymores. 2. Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural:

      singular and plural nouns worksheet

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