Portland school closures

    • [DOCX File]PVARF


      The law limits paid leave to $511 per day ($5,110 in total) where leave is taken for reasons (1), (2), and (3) noted above (generally, an employee’s own illness or quarantine); and $200 per day ($2,000 in total) where leave is taken for reasons (4), (5), or (6) (care for others or school closures).

      portland public school closures today


      This ordinance grants revocable permits to the 2014 Portland Rose Festival to conduct several activities, including the Grand Floral, Junior and Starlight Parades, use of Tom McCall Waterfront Park, and several street closures.

      portland oregon school closures

    • [DOC File]Notice of a Public Hearing on a Proposal in Your Neighborhood


      This public meeting will be cancelled if Portland Public Schools close due to inclement weather or other similar emergency. Check local television and radio reports for school closures. The meeting will be rescheduled for the earliest possible date. A renotification notice will not be sent.

      portland public school closures

    • [DOCX File]Oregon Draft Math Template (4.OA)


      It is possible the school closures could delay this timeline, but no formal decisions have been made as of July 2020. Updated timelines will be reflected in any future guidance provided. Pending future State Board of Education approval, the work completed to date includes a comprehensive review and revision of our high school math standards.

      oregon school closures today

    • [DOCX File]oregonvbc.org


      From January 8-13, 2021 DHM Research and the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center conducted a statewide survey of Oregonians’ values and beliefs. Attached are results for questions about several topics including hopes for 2021, economy/finance, school and business closures…

      portland oregon school closures today

    • 2007 Special Provisions

      Contact Dan March and Gran O’Connell, Field Operations, at 503-962-4949 and foc@trimet.org to coordinate a re-route or determine required accommodations for the impacts. Examples of major impacts include extended service closures and detours.) 00220.03(b) Closures and Modifications- Add the following bullet to the end of the bullet list:

      portland school closings

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