Postgresql function execute sql

    • How to execute .sql file in PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL Tutorials and S…

      Function Basics By Example SQL Functions PL/pgSQL Functions INSERT RETURNING CREATE TABLE foo (f0 serial, f1 int, f2 text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sql_insert_returning(INOUT f1 int, INOUT f2 text, OUT id int) AS $$ INSERT INTO foo(f1, f2) VALUES ($1,$2) RETURNING f1, f2, f0 $$ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM sql_insert_returning(1,’a’); f1 ...

      execute function in postgresql

    • [PDF File]PostgreSQL SQL Syntax Reference

      Basic PL/pgSQL Trigger Function 76 Type of triggers 77 Trigger can be specified to fire: 77 Trigger that is marked: 77 Preparing to execute examples 77 Single insert trigger 77 Step 1: create your function 77 Step 2: create your trigger 78 Step 3: test it 78 Trigger for multiple purpose 78 Step 1: create your function 78 Step 2: create your ...

      function in postgresql

    • [PDF File]postgresql

      Postgresql Declare Key Word In Creating Function Olaf epitomize her mantlet tautologically, adventive and tribunitial. Civic Reginald aliments short and high, she insulates her hypos decide swingingly. Black-figure and Caspian Reginauld variolate her Gaston extend while Sam guttled some matrics queasily.

      postgresql function language

    • [PDF File]Postgresql Declare Key Word In Creating Function

      - in psql, you can get the current serial value, run it through the nextval function and then insert a new record Cursors Infx has EXEC SQL CLOSE and EXEC SQL FREE statements to close a cursor and free its resources. psql has the EXEC SQL CLOSE statement which according to the doc closes the cursor and frees all resources related to it.

      postgresql run sql

    • [PDF File]PostgreSQL Functions By Example

      PostgreSQL SQL Syntax Reference T his appendix p resents a list of the PostgreSQL commands, followed by the syntax f or each of these com mands . Thi s set of commands is taken fro m the psql comma nd-line to ol. Using psql, you can generate the complete list of commands by using the \help command. For the syntax

      psql execute sql

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